Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Message from Sun Myung Moon through Kim Young Soon

Messages from the medium, Kim Young Soon, in 2016

The last posts of Mrs. Kim Young Soon [the famous medium who sent messages of Dr. Lee from the spiritual world in 2001-2003] are making a stir in Korea, where she is very respected. 

Both of his posts (one of True Father and one of Dae Mo Nim) strongly criticize the current behavior of Mother and contain strong warnings to the blessed couples and the leadership of FFWPU. 

When these messages began circulating, Mother sent FFWPU leaders, including the vice president of the Family Federation and the regional leaders to meet with Pastor Jeong-Ho-Woong, Mrs. Kim Young Soon husband. (The pastor Jeong is a former chaplain of Sun Moon University and enjoys great respect in the Unification community). 

Leaders of FFWPU have threatened to excommunicate the Jeong family if Mrs. Kim does not revoke the last messages received from the spiritual world. 

However, Shepherd Jeong told leaders of FFWPU: "I have followed all my life and obey the words of True Father to the end. If you want to expel me, go ahead. "

Message from Sun Myung Moon, through the medium, Kim Young Soon, in 2016

"I, True Father, sincerely speak to the 36 Couples, Family Federation President, leaders, and all members of the Unification Movement.

I loved and truly cared for Mother. I lived my whole life really taking care of and loving my children from around the world who were looking up to True Parents. Above all, since I felt sorry for my Father, God, who had waited for the Messiah for hundreds of thousands of years, I endured my life to the end no matter how difficult and hard it was.

You, members of the Unification Movement, who are my children! However, I, True Father in the spirit world, feel really pity more for you and for True Mother, and thus I am sending this message to you.

So I want you to keep in mind what I am going to tell you now and live according to the will of True Father in the spirit world.

The Unification Movement of today must not remain as it is. What did I, True Father, teach you when I was in the physical world? The thing I taught you most anxiously with love was none other than about the “spirit world.”

However heathy you are in your physical life on earth, you all are doomed to come to the spirit world someday, without exception. The life in the physical world is a short period of time, compared to the eternal life in the spirit world, but you all are living in such a way that you hardly think about the life in the spirit world.

Satan is now dancing with joy.

Then what do I, True Father in the spirit world, have to do about it? I am teaching Kim Young-soon about the spirit world in detail.

I say to her, “You should teach what you are being taught, one by one, to members in the physical world.” You all must clear off all that is wrong in your life on earth and come to the spirit world, when you leave the physical world.

Only insofar as you clean yourselves in the physical world and then come to the place where I am present in the spirit world, are you able to live eternally with me. You have to talk with Kim Young-soon about the details.

I am going to speak of Mother now.

Mother left her position of the Messiah’s wife. You are aware of that without me having to say, since you are now looking at the life of Mother yourselves! Kim Young-hwi, Lee Jae-seok, how can you know so little about the core of my teachings during my life on earth? I taught you very clearly that you ought “not to touch” True Father’s words, nevertheless you do. Do you believe what you are doing along with True Mother is in accordance with the Heavenly Law? Why can’t you clearly reveal that teaching of mine to True Mother?

When you come to the spirit world, do you want to be with the Messiah? Or will you go to the lower class? The physical world is no great matter.

How can you say that Mother inherently does not have original sin? How can you say that she is the only-begotten daughter having nothing to do with Satan and was born without original sin?

You, the 36 Couples, Family Federation President, leaders, and members of the Unification Movement, are my children, yet you make me, True Father, so hurt and break my heart!

Why can’t you tell right from wrong in terms of True Mother’s words?

All of you leaders, 36 Couples, and FFWPU President, you must repent of and clear off all that is wrong in your lives and then come to the spirit world.

You need to, once take a close look at the story of Kim Bong-Tae’s family, whose message was sent before. He has been released from hell thanks to his family’s Cheong seong, but more things are still needed.

Do you feel sorry for True Mother? What can you do about it? Although Dae Mo Nim is her mother, she is in a sad situation where she has to forsake her child.

I, True Father, have so many things to tell you members, but the thing I want to say for you most is that you should ponder upon your life on earth and get your life in proper order before coming to the spirit world. Please keep in mind that your original hometown is the spirit world.

You, 36 Couples, Family Federation President, and leaders, must plead with True Mother to properly, follow True Father’s teachings. That is the way you can become true children. I, True Father in the spirit world, ask you to put an end to the tragic history in the physical world.”

Monday, June 20, 2022

Message from Hoon soon-Ae Hak Ja Han’s Mother


The famous medium Kim Young Soon, who recorded Dr. Lee's messages, from the spiritual world in 2001-2003

The last posts of Mrs. Kim Young Soon [the famous medium who sent messages of Dr. Lee from the spiritual world in 2001-2003] are making a stir in Korea, where she is very respected. 

Both of his posts (one of True Father and one of Dae Mo Nim) strongly criticize the current behavior of Mother and contain strong warnings to the blessed couples and the leadership of FFWPU. 

When these messages began circulating, Mother sent FFWPU leaders, including the vice president of the Family Federation and the regional leaders to meet with Pastor Jeong-Ho-Woong, Mrs. Kim Young Soon husband. (The pastor Jeong is a former chaplain of Sun Moon University and enjoys great respect in the Unification community). 

Leaders of FFWPU have threatened to excommunicate the Jeong family if Mrs. Kim does not revoke the last messages received from the spiritual world. 

However, Shepherd Jeong told leaders of FFWPU: "I have followed all my life and obey the words of True Father to the end. If you want to expel me, go ahead. "

Message from Dae Mo Nim, [Hoon soon-ae] Hak Ja Han’s Mother

This Message, was recorded by Kim Young Soon, the medium that has received Dr. Lee’s messages, under True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon approved Ms. Kim Young Soon's previous messages by including them in the curriculum of the eight Rev. Moon textbooks entitled "Messages of Peace" (published in English in 09/2007)

“Hello, all of you members! I am Dae Mo, Hoon Soon-ae. You, members in the physical world, have been greatly looking forward to my message, haven’t you?

I am very anxious about what to say first.

I am very sorry to True Mother, but I would like to disclose the facts conclusively; otherwise, you are unable to understand the reality of the spirit world. Please think of what pain I feel in my heart when I, as True Mother’s mother, (Dae Mo) have to reveal these facts.

Members! You are well aware that if you do not live rightly, you will go to a bad place in the spirit world, aren’t you? You also know well that the life in the spirit world is permanent and eternal, whereas the life in the physical world is momentary, don’t you? This is the greatest matter of all.

All of you members! How are you living your lives?

Members! I believe that you might have a rough idea of what the original life looks like through the life of the Messiah on earth. Peoples’ lives deviating from the teachings of the Divine Principle are absolutely not relevant to and acceptable in the spirit world. Even if they are loving children of True Father, God cannot forgive them. That is what the heavenly principles (Heaven Laws) is all about, is it not?

Members! Who then is the person whom True Father loves most? It is True Mother, of course. Member! Yet I am sorry, but I have to say that True Mother is not living rightly now. True Mother is not who she was in the past, and she is now more than a little conceited and arrogant. Deviating much from the position of the Messiah’s wife and rather priding herself as being “the Messiah,” she is building up her own subjective works in the name of providence and altering the providential accomplishments and legacies, True Father as the Messiah worked for in various areas. The True Mother of today is not the Messiah.

And it seems that there are many controversies over True Mother’s being “the only-begotten daughter” in many respects, but certainly most of her interpretations concerning the issue of the only-begotten daughter are wrong. True Mother is just the wife of the Messiah. Both in the spirit world and in the physical world, she should not deviate from her position of being the Messiah’s wife in terms of all providential works the Messiah carries out. Yet some leaders and elders who push forward with various plans around True Mother seem to merely comply with the reality of her deviating from her original position, without causing any unpleasantness. Where on earth, is such a teaching in True Father’s words, as well as in the Divine Principle?

Members! Facing and intuiting the reality of True Mother, which has gone wrong, every member here in this spirit world deeply deplores it. Members in the physical world, what will you do about it? Do you want True Mother to leave from the upper class of the spirit world where True Father stays? That should never happen. This wrong reality on earth must be cleared in the physical world. If it is true, that True Father in the spirit world is very concerned and worried about the reality of True Mother in the physical world, what will you do about it? Please ask yourself and each other and try to pray for yourself. Please clear off everything on earth in accordance with the voice from your original mind.”

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sun Myung Moon, Message 8

Message 8, February 10, 2016

Did I ever state that the appointment of Hyung Jin Moon was Conditional?

This is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon writing.

I have a very significant Hoon Dok message for all who believe in the meaning of my life to convey at this time.

I wanted to convey this earlier but there have been time constraints. 

Title of my message is:

Did I ever state that the appointment of Hyung Jin Moon was Conditional?

I appointed an Heir. To be an Heir does not require additional conditions. Once the appointment is done, it is final.

All who understand the meaning of my life on earth must understand that I took the utmost care in instituting an heir. Hyung Jin Moon is the Heir. No one else is the Heir.

It has to be known by all that my wife to whom I was married to for over 50 years is not my Heir. She is just the Eve. And as I have explained earlier she has needed to be replaced in the Eve position because she has egregiously rebelled against me. She was never the Heir and she was never truly the same in the eyes of God as the returning Messiah is in terms of the mission of the Messiah.

Yes, the position of the True Parents in the absolute sense had to be established by restoring a woman to an adequate degree. She, in her initial duties succeeded adequately, but then dramatically and treasonously failed in upholding the lineage of the Messiah by substituting everything with the Han lineage “hogwash.”

The Han lineage is hogwash compared to the Moon lineage. Indeed, there were many miracles and many conditions in the ancestry of the woman Han Hak Ja, but so was the case with my first wife and my second wife as well. That was no different. The lineage of Eve did not create the lineage of the Messiah. How can anyone in their right mind come to that conclusion? Please read the Bible account of Jesus’ lineage for reference. Is that the lineage of Eve? So how could the lineage of the wife of Jesus; that of a woman, who was meant to be chosen at the time of Jesus, be the Messianic lineage? Did the chosen wife of Jesus die on the cross? Not a chance.

It is because I was a King in the spiritual sense and as my son stated recently–yes I was also the judge and the Bridegroom–I had to be a man; a male human being and masculine representation of God.

Was Jesus a girl? A lady? A queen? An Empress?

So, is Han Hak Ja my Heir? She can never be. She is of the wrong sex.

My Heir has to be a son. How many ways should I explain this?

Does Hyung Jin Nim need to wait until Han Hak Ja passes to the spiritual world to perform the duties and responsibilities of the Heir? Did I ever state so?

Does Hyung Jin Nim need to wait for certain conditions to be fulfilled before he can perform the duties and responsibilities of the Heir? Did I ever state so?

All the conditions required were absolutely fulfilled when I prayed over him and Yeon Ah Lee Moon on April 18, 2008 publicly in the ceremony in which I instituted him as the Heir and in the three crowning ceremonies in public in January of 2009. There was zero additional conditions required. Hyung Jin humbly bowed his head in humility and reverence. That is the end of the story in terms his conditions to become qualified in the eyes of God.

How he responds to his appointment and his inheritance is his responsibility and it is the responsibility of all who care about the Will of God to work with him to whatever capacity they can.

It was the original course of the providence for Han Hak Ja to work in harmony with my Heir. She should have been united in harmony; with Han Hak Ja fully supporting my Heir.

Han Hak Ja literally got rid of Hyung Jin Nim from all positions of authority that I appointed him to be him in. This was a travesty of justice and rebellion of against my will. He had done absolutely nothing to warrant such a treatment.

I know that there are people promulgating fantastical new theologies that say that Hyung Jin has to wait to do his duties. Did I say that? Do not believe the words of those who are fabricating fantastical theological innovations to prop up their positions in the organizations associated with Han Hak Ja.

It is really too bad that I am in the spiritual world and that I cannot directly whack the butts of those heretics. Jesus whipped the money exchangers who wanted to profit from their closeness to the high priests. I want to whack the butts of those who want to profit from their closeness to Han Hak Ja. This includes my own children as well.

But I am in the spiritual realm and I cannot affect the physical realm in the same manner as I could in my own physical body functioning. Now my body is turned to atoms and molecules like it should but my spirit is ever present and covers the earth.

Jesus’ spirit has covered the earth for the last 2,000 years. Now my spirit has also come to cover the earth. Both of our spirits are covering the earth. There is much power if you, my children and my dearest faithful members, allow my spirit to dwell in you. I abide in you and you abide in me. Just as Jesus has done for 2,000 years. We both are here to give you double the strength and the power you need.

(This concludes my Hoon Dok Hwae message for this day.)

I must state again: Do not believe the heresies that Han Hak Ja is the Chosen One. She is not. She is a woman who in the end failed due to her resentment. It is the tragedy of tragedies. But on the earth we have my Heir and his most lovely bride who is the head of all the brides now. Amen and Aju.

I authorize this Hoon Dok message to be passed on to all at the earliest possible time.

Sun Myung Moon, Message 9

February 17, 2016

The New Future of Christianity has been established

Good morning.

This is Rev. Sun Myung Moon writing herein with the cooperation of the faithful transcriber (who is humbly offering his time and effort to provide the mechanical means to provide the way to transcribe this message). I thank him for his service.

The title of my message is “The New Future of Christianity Has Been Established.”

Dear faithful people, of all walks of life, this is a glorious new dawn and a new era you have come to be a witness of. You are truly living in a miraculous time of the Personal Pentecost and the coming of the Kingdom of God.

I urge all people to familiarize themselves with my historic proclamation in 1974, which I gave at Madison Square Garden in New York City called “The New Future of Christianity.” My message today is making an equally important proclamation that relates to the content of that message to all Christians and all faithful people of all walks of life.

I cannot underscore enough how important today’s proclamation is.

Today is February 17, 2016. On Saturday, the date was February 13, 2016 – my birthday by the lunar calendar and the Heavenly Calendar I established seven years ago.

Today is four days since February 13, 2016. There have been four birthdays of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon since I ascended. (First one was in 2013, the second one in 2014 and the third one in 2015.) Four days ago was the fourth birthday. Today’s proclamation is the Four and Four Proclamation of the Kingdom of God.

What is the meaning of this Four and Four Proclamation and what does it have to do with anything?

Actually, the name is not that important but the content is. The content of this proclamation is the content I wish to share about the fact that the new future of Christianity has been established.

What happened on February 13, 2016? On that brutally cold winter day in sub-zero, outdoors temperatures in the midst of North Korea like weather, a historical ceremony took place broadcast to all the lands of the earth.

What was that ceremony? Why did over 2,300 couples come to participate under that ceremony worldwide since August 30 last year? And why have altogether over 10,000 people – husbands, wives, and children of those couples, as well as newlywed bridegrooms and brides in the course of less than a year partaken of the Returning to True Father’s Authority Holy Wine and in the Blessing Ceremonies?

The answer is simple:

The new future of Christianity has been established.

There was an error committed on earth at the time of the Fall of Adam and Eve. There was an error also committed on earth after my ascension by the woman in the Eve’s role and position – a woman by the name of Han Hak Ja. This woman was once my wife and once held the position of the Eve that has to be restored on earth. This woman who was betrothed to me to be married in the final perfection stage marriage ceremony left me in her heart. She divorced me in her heart. She committed a grave error on earth. This was a tragedy of tragedies. This woman was to be the most glorious woman in all of history, and I praised her endlessly, especially in the early and mid-periods of our marriage but she egregiously went against my Will and Testament that I wrote by my own hand, on June 5, 2010. Thus, she brought judgment on herself and all who associate with her and unfortunately, I have to state – all the earth. The error was committed on the earth.

Who shares in the blame for the original Fall of Eve in the Garden? Lucifer, the devil and Satan. Who shares in the blame of the Fall of the Eve-to-be-restored Han Hak Ja on the isolated mountain of the Cheong Pyeong estate which is like a garden she built for herself? Lucifer, the devil and Satan.

How could Lucifer the Deceiver deceive the woman who received direct love from the returning Messiah, the Lord at the Second Coming?

Those who are flabbergasted by me stating that I, Rev. Moon, am the Returning Lord at the Second Coming, please study the records of my life, and the historical facts surrounding my life and read the my speech, “The New Future of Christianity.” Pray and fast, and the answer will be surely and clearly be given to you about who is Rev. Sun Myung Moon by God Himself and the Holy Spirit will give you a sign and a confirmation.

So again, how could Lucifer the Deceiver deceive the woman who received direct love from the returning Messiah, the Lord at the Second Coming?

The answer is simple:

This woman had not reached individual perfection and oneness with the heart of God 100%. She had not reached the direct dominion of God by the time I ascended.

Did I see that in 2012? Did I see that during all the years after the turn of the millennium? Yes, I did.

I was with the woman Han Hak Ja all the time. I saw the danger signs but I had to trust her. The position was hers to lose and her responsibility to keep. She committed the error on earth. She transgressed by not upholding my lineage but instead she promoted the fallen Han lineage that she was to fully restore by reaching the direct dominion of God.

I am sorry I did not choose better. I am so sorry. I had run out of options – prior to Han Hak Ja I had already had two Eves who both were attacked by Satan so severely. The Eve position is a formidable responsibility because it is truly like a double-edged sword. It can cut the destiny of a person both ways. The path of goodness or the path of tragedy and betrayal can result. In the end, Han Hak Ja chose betrayal.

Why? She did not understand my mission fully. She did not digest her responsibility fully. Her responsibility included digesting my relationships with the other providential women – these are the six Marys that God mandated to be part of the history of restoration. She failed. She harbored resentment instead. I even placed a sign in East Garden stating “Victory Over Resentment.” That sign was really for her.

So again, how could Lucifer the Deceiver deceive the woman who received direct love from the returning Messiah, the Lord at the Second Coming?

The reality of resentment holds the key to understanding her failure. Doesn’t her name sound the same as the word Han in the Korean language, that word that also means resentment?

It was her destiny to have a victory over resentment. She had to overcome the historical resentment of all women on the earth. She tragically failed in the end. Now, all women, men and children have to bear the consequence of her Fall, just as all women, men and children had to bear the consequence of the Fall of the original Eve in the Garden.

Today, however, I am making a historical proclamation.

Due to the faith of over 10,000 faithful people on earth, there has been a condition set for a lesser judgment to cover the earth, but the judgment will still come. There is nothing anyone can individually do to avoid the final judgment that she has brought upon mankind. I urge all people to prepare for some times of difficulty to come.

My proclamation is simple – we have a new future of Christianity that has been established on the earth today due to the faithfulness of over 10,000 people. Christianity was born amongst the most difficult persecution under the Roman Empire. The new future of Christianity has been and will be established under conditions of persecution and suffering. It did not have to be like this again. But there was no other route left. But the faith of 10,000 people centered on my Successor and Heir and representative body of True Parents that I instituted, the man Hyung Jin Moon, has brought about the new future of Christianity that will establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

The future is already here. Yes, of course tomorrow is the future but the future I prophesied in my speech in 1974 has finally arrived.

We have now on the earth people who have entered the Ark of Noah again. We have people who have entered the life rafts during the sinking of the Titanic figuratively speaking. We have people who are the flag bearers of the new future of Christianity.

I love the Christian faithful people with all my heart and soul. It is true that many persecuted and misunderstood me during my life on earth. It does not matter. It is water under the bridge. I have 100% utterly and completely forgotten any harsh treatment and persecution I received. It does not matter.

We are one in the Spirit. We are one in the Lord. Everything will this day be restored.

The people who read the Bible and who understand the Bible are God’s people. Yes, other religious people are also the children of God and there is no denying we are all children of God. But those who believe and read the Bible are the chosen people. They are the people God is calling today. They are the people who stand on the shoulders of thousands and even millions of martyrs who shed blood, and gave up their lives and their treasure to reach out to Christ and live with Christ to the best of their ability.

Christians, who profess their faith to Jesus and pledge their lives to Jesus and who preach from the Bible, and even relate directly to Jesus and God without going through any hierarchy of men, are truly God’s people. If anyone berates them, they are a betrayer of God of the worst kind. Do not treat lightly the difficult path that God had to tread to bring the Bible and the reformation four hundred years ago so that people can have a direct relationship with Jesus and God.

Are western democracies not based on the Judeo-Christian value system? If you live in a western style democracy or the United States, consider yourself extremely lucky and fortunate. Would you like to live in Iran or Saudi Arabia instead where if you utter a sharp critical utterance against the ruling hierarchy your head will meet as a response a sharp cut from a sharp cutting object and sever it? Do not berate your Christian foundation my dearest faithful people. Embrace it. Grow it. Spread it. Supercharge it.

Why am I promoting Christianity? Why am I so in favor of Christianity? Take a look around. Who is standing up for the rights of women? Is it the Arabs? Is it the rulers of Islam? I am not saying everyone in Islamic countries is evil but I am saying they do not allow women to have rights. Women are the children and daughters of God. They are the brides not only to men but also to Christ and God, spiritually.

God continues to work through the Christian foundation today. There is no denying it. We are one in Christ. We are one in Jesus. And I must state it, even though it may be hard for some to fathom, Jesus asked me as a young boy to carry on his work that was not quite completed because of the faithlessness of the Jewish people at that time. Not because of the faithlessness of Jesus – but the faithlessness of the people surrounding him. Jesus did nothing wrong. He did not have weak flesh. Jesus achieved the maximum victory he could achieve with those surrounding him. As the result, he brought complete and full spiritual salvation to everyone who believes in him and practices as he preached.

The problem however was still that an error committed on earth has to be resolved and restored on earth–on the physical earth. Adam and Eve fell on the earth – in the physical world. The stained blood lineage from the father the Devil (John 8:44) was implanted on earth. Therefore the stained blood lineage has to be cleansed and purified on the earth – not only in the spiritual realm.

Some claim that the shedding of the precious blood of Jesus was all that was ever required by God. But we must look at this logically. Do the children of even the most devout Christians still sin? Are we free of sin? Most importantly, are we truly free of the original stained blood lineage defiled by Lucifer? This may be hard to wrap one’s mind around but the DNA of Adam and Eve, particularly the intricacies around their DNA was impacted by the Fall. How the intricacies of DNA are affected is now even supported by modern science. But the most important point is that the error committed on earth must be corrected by everyone on earth personally, individually and physically. Physical salvation is absolutely needed and not only spiritual or collective salvation. Individual physical salvation is needed one person at a time. One man at a time. One woman at a time. With each child – one by one. On earth. Through restoration on earth and salvation on earth.

Physical salvation is what Jesus desired. He preached of the Kingdom on earth–not only a spiritual kingdom but a physical kingdom inhabited by physical people, who are perfect as their heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). This was the objective and the goal of Jesus. Not only a church. Not a group of people led by a pope or by some preacher. A group of people who live in the physical kingdom of God on earth, without original sin and without a need for further restoration ceremonies, Eucharist’s or confessionals.

Jesus did not come to build a church. He came to erect the physical kingdom of God on earth. He had to build churches and the spiritual foundation for spiritual salvation of people because he had no other alternative. Originally, he only wanted to erect the Kingdom of God. He wanted the Marriage of the Lamb in his own time. Not later in a second coming. There was never meant to be a second coming.

I stepped in only after enormous arm wrestling and mental pleading of Jesus when I was a boy. I did not want to do the mission he wanted me to do. Who would? I knew I had to face death over and over because Satan surely would want to eliminate me completely. But once I committed, I committed 100%.

The most difficult thing I had to do was to restore a woman. I partially failed. I accept the blame. I should have chosen better. Korea should have provided better. But it is what it is. I worked with those whom God brought to me.

Today, I bow my head in humility to Jesus and God who are one and I am one in Jesus.

In today’s proclamation, we make a bow. God makes a bow. Jesus makes a bow. I make a bow. We bow to the 10,000. Yes, ten thousand bowed to us. But today we bow to mankind. I weep and cry as I bow. We all weep and cry as we bow. We bow to the 10,000. We are weeping and weeping.

We acknowledge the faith of Hyung Jin Moon. We acknowledge the faith of Yeon Ah Lee Moon. We acknowledge the faith of Kook Jin Moon and his wife. We acknowledge the faith all those who sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears to bring 10,000 people to the New Future of Christianity, the lifeboat, and the beginning of the Kingdom that has no end.

I am still weeping. God is still weeping. We are weeping from joy. We are weeping from the victory of humanity at this final hour.

To be God has new meaning. To be Jesus has new meaning. To be the one who accepted the responsibility of the Second Coming has new meaning. The earth has new meaning.

The Kingdom of God will last forever and forever. It will be established on the earth.

This completes the Four and Four Proclamation, and the explanation of how the New Future of Christianity Has Been Established. I conclude this message with many tears of joy today.

Amen and Aju.

Jesus of Nazareth, Message 3

February 18, 2016

We are One in The Spirit and we are One in the Lord

Good evening my brothers and sisters and faithful people. 

This is Jesus of Nazareth writing through the assistance of the humble transcriber. 

The Title of my message Is “We are One in The Spirit and we are One in the Lord.”

These words have been put to a wonderful song. They are sung throughout the world.

So why would I bother to come to share a message at this time again? Didn’t I just share recently?

Also, didn’t I leave many words behind in the New Testament? If you get hold of a red color-coded version of the New Testament you can try to read only my words that were passed along by my early followers. My point is that there are no direct words of mine left in the historical records. It was all filtered through memory of those who saw me, spoke of me or repeated the words to each other. Nevertheless, the accuracy is amazing and I am surprised how much of the essence of what I said is correct in the New Testament.

But now I have a chance to share directly through the method of thought transference. If you cannot believe it, I beseech you to ask God and to pray. He will give you a confirmation. The humble transcriber is not responsible for these words. He is simply a good conduit.

So why would I bother to come to give more direct words? There have been various efforts throughout history when I have tried to give words. Not many have been fruitful. Various levels of results have transpired.

Emmanuel Swedenborg stood out though. I must state that. But even with him it was not always 100% perfect word to word but the meaning was there. The only one who was 100% on the target was Sun Myung Moon and he was able to understand me 100% and convey everything 100%.

This time in history warrants much explanation and much outreach.

I came as the Lion of Judah. I came as the long-awaited Messiah of the Jewish people. I was the warrior king they were waiting for in the land of the ancestral Jews.

I got into many fights verbally with the religious authorities of the time. They detested and hated me with passion because I won every argument with them. They could not stand me. They could not stand the fact that many women followed me and many fishermen followed me. They absolutely thought that we were troublemakers and dangerous because we did not absolutely follow the Sabbath laws and some of the other laws everyone abided by. They thought we would corrupt their youth and daughters. I was a marked man. I did not care though.

I knew based on my own spiritual experiences with Moses, Elijah, Malachi and Ezra and others that I was the Messiah. I spent years studying the Torah. I spent hours in prayer. I fasted. I cried. I went without water for days. I suffered so badly physically. People have no idea what I put myself though to understand Yahweh – Jehovah – our Heavenly Father. I spared no effort. I was literally kind of crazy for God and crazy about God. So, when I spoke, I spoke from the heart.

So, when I met the young man Sun Myung Moon (this is the name he is known by, but his original [first] name in that day was Yong), I felt so very close to this boy. I felt he was cut of the same cloth. He was just like me. So unbelievably stubborn that I just could not believe it. I could not believe there was another person as stubborn as me. I really thought it was impossible to find somebody as stubborn and committed to God’s Will as I was. But I found this boy. He was praying on the hillside in his early teenage years asking God what he should do with his life. He was a highly unusual young boy. He was so serious at such an early age. It really took me by surprise.

I latched onto him like a leech. I never let go. I only cared to find somebody in Korea. I knew the person to finish my mission had to be in Korea. No other country would do. Only the Koreans had set enough a condition of separating from the fallen family patterns of sexual problems. Neither the Chinese would do nor the Japanese nor the Europeans. I did consider the Russians in some remote tribes but there wasn’t enough population there where needed. The huge plus for the Koreans was that they had taken Christianity into their country and they were on fire with passion to live with Christ. Their stubbornness to live with Christ was decisive and they became the new chosen nation where God would send his son again. It was for me to decide whom and to ask and to plead. I only focused on the young man Sun Myung Moon. I couldn’t find anyone else close to his lineage and caliber.

So, when I found him, I kept pestering him over and over to complete my mission. What did I just say? Yes, to complete my mission. Yes, I indeed indicated that my mission needed further completion.

This may sound blasphemous, I know. It does not sound like what everyone learned in Sunday school or the Catechism class. I will just state it very succinctly herein: I did not come to die on the cross as my primary mission. My mission was derailed and I had no recourse when I was betrayed. If it helps anyone to know theologically, it is stated in the Torah and the Old Testament that the Lord will be either a suffering servant Lord or the glorious victor who is accepted by all and even seen by all eyes [Daniel 7:13].

I was not seen by all eyes and I was not the great warrior everyone hoped to see.

My life was extremely miserable. My father who was the high priest Zachariah disowned me and wanted nothing to do with me. Please do not take offense dear believers. Zachariah was the one who provided the seed for the messianic lineage. He was a holy man who had a holy duty. Even if God is almighty in the sense that he is a spirit and can make miracles, he could not create a pregnancy outside the realm of biology. This is beyond his mode of operation. God uses natural laws whenever possible. It was necessary to use a purified lineage for my birth. That is the reason why Zachariah was chosen for the holy union with Mary.

Zachariah was supposed to raise me all the years of my life in the house of the high priest and in the Temple. But he made Mary depart and I could not live in the house of my Father, Heavenly Father. I could not live in the Temple. I instead spent years struggling to learn the words of the Old Testament. So, I had to immerse myself in the teachings of the prophets. I immersed myself in everything from Moses.

But I want to share here that I really was miserable. I was so lonely. I really had no friends to call my friends. I really had nobody. All I knew is that Heavenly Father wanted me to teach that everyone must love God and love their fellow man like yourself. I taught that we should do onto others, as we would have others do onto us. It is really quite simple but it is absolutely profound.

I am not saying that I was some kind of victim. I do not subscribe to victim mentality. But I can say that I was victimized by the religious authorities. They wanted to make an example out of me. They were afraid of rebellion against them and the subversion of their authority and they wanted to get rid of me. My father did nothing to defend me. 

My half brother John the Baptist did nothing to defend me in the end. He lost his initial inspiration totally. I stood up and taught the word of God. I preached till my voice was hoarse. I performed miracle healing to get people’s attention. I tried everything possible. My follower Mary Magdalene provided material support. I am grateful for that. I am grateful for Peter. And for Paul (Saul of Tarsus). He made it possible to expand the church movement. But I am not grateful to Judas the betrayer. He is still lingering in Hell.

It pains me to think of all my struggles. There were just so many. Every step of the way there was some setback. One thing went out of whack after the other. I was going crazy with the struggles. Nothing was going right. Even when I did a forty day fast Satan tried to trick me when I was famished. But I commanded him and he had to stay in his place. I was victorious over the Devil in my life. But I could not marry. There was no time. There was only blackness and darkness in the end.

My disciples had their doubts. But some believed.

Why am I hashing out all this, which many of you may already know? Why am I pestering the writer at the late hour of the day to write this content?

I must state that my struggles had meaning. If you have struggles, do not give up – they have meaning. What happens in the end is what matters.

So what happened in the end of my life? Yes, they nailed me to the cross after Judas sold me to the authorities. But I offered my struggles to God. I offered it all up to Heavenly Father. He claimed a victory out of my suffering because I forgave my trespassers. I wanted everyone to have a way to receive the benefit of my struggles instead of my struggles having no meaning whatsoever. I said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” [Luke 23:34]. This is the pivotal point.

You should not hold a grudge. You should forgive when you have a chance to forgive. Yes, you need to be righteous and defend though self-defense but do not live your life without forgiving those who have trespassed against you.

This was also important for the woman Han Hak Ja. She thought her husband was too demanding on her. She should have brought it up to Heavenly Father, discussed it with her husband and forgiven her husband’s life choices that were full of pressure and demanding schedules.

It is never too late to forgive the person who needs to be forgiven by you.

So why I am writing about “We Are One in the Spirit?”

It is because we are created and designed by God. Not by a monkey. God is a Spirit. He is ever present. He is everywhere. So am I. I cover the earth. And I have good news for everyone. It is not only myself but it is now also the Rev. Sun Myung Moon who covers all the earth. He truly is the king and the warrior king the Jewish people were waiting for 2,000 years ago. He is the returning Messiah. I selected him. I picked him. I could not have made a better choice. In fact I do believe he was the only logical choice and for that I can only thank God, our Heavenly Father.

Sun Myung Moon has started a new history. He started even a new calendar. The heavenly calendar is known as Cheon-gi. We are now in the 7th year. This is not insignificant. I did not create a calendar. Pope Gregory did.

So why this message all of a sudden? It is because we are one in the Lord. The Lord is the God of the Old Testament. He is still the Lord. He never retired. He never left. In fact he is still the same God in the New Testament. And subsequently he never left in the Common Era after my birth. So where is the Lord today? He is surrounding us the same way as he as always been. He is intrinsic. He is intra-cellular. He is inside your conscience. He is everywhere. And you can touch him and you can feel him. He will tell you all the secrets of the universe if you open up your mind and your heart. Nothing is beyond your reach once you open your mind to the Lord, your God.

Why do you think Albert Einstein was so ahead of his time? Because he opened his mind to the Lord. I am not kidding. Read what Einstein said about him discovering God in the universe.

So my Brothers and Sisters, I know it can be confusing to think that Jesus, the carpenter, could possibly be sharing a message this way. I know it is extra-Biblical. But do you think that John on the island of Patmos was thinking that what he was writing was extra-Biblical? He could have. He maybe did, although the Bible books were canonized centuries later after he wrote his messages on the Island of Patmos and which are commonly known as the Book of Revelation.


This is very important to think about. Are the writings of John of Patmos – and historians don't even know who he was – important? Are they extra-Biblical because they were not canonized by me? I did not canonize the Bible. It was done by the early church leaders according to their taste. This again is very important.

“Do not despise prophesying,” states the Scripture, “but test everything.” [1 Thessalonians. 5:20-21].

So I urge you have to have an open heart and an open ear. When I state that Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the returning Lord at the Second Coming, I mean it. I know it to be the case 100%. If you are not convinced, you need to pray. You need to plead to the Holy Spirit to show you a sign.

I am stating herein that Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the one man whom I chose to accomplish everything that was left undone due to my untimely demise. I want to use that word “demise” because I didn’t want to die at the age of 33.

I still had my life ahead of me. I was meant to bring the nation of Israel under my physical leadership both in religious and political manner. I am not being lighthearted. I had that intention. You may call me crazy but I wanted to organize the society of my Jewish ancestors to be a society to build the “Kingdom of Heaven.” This means the ideal societal structure. I was capable of that leadership. But I was not allowed access to the right connections to make that possible. Even though it is not clearly explained in the Scriptures, Zachariah holds much of the responsibility for not introducing me to the ruling people. I remained almost an outcast in every way. It was heartbreaking.

So why am I sharing about all this? It is because I never gave up on the goal of building the Kingdom of Heaven. The Rev. Moon followed my dictate 100%. He never deviated from the mandate I gave to him. Now his son on earth is carrying on the mantle of that leadership and I must unequivocally state that I am behind his son named Hyung Jin Moon 100% in his mandate to follow his father’s direction to him.

There are today possibly about 2 billion Christians or people who call themselves Christians. I am grateful to all of them for calling themselves Christians. I would also be extremely grateful if you – any one of you – who call yourselves Christians give a listening ear to the preacher Hyung Jin Moon. His words are worth your time. His praise service is worth your time. His prayers will bring you great blessing. The ceremonies he provides will bring you untold blessings that you cannot even imagine.

He has a lovely wife whose presence emanates of the Holy Spirit. Please allow her to be part of your praise and worship. You will gain untold blessings and gifts.

In some ways I am a simple and straightforward person. I am Jesus. Yes, I am with God and united with God because of my birth, mission and identity. I care about God. I started my life that way and I ended my physical life that way and exist in the world of the Spirit that way. I don’t know what else to do.

It is for this reason that I urge everyone and anyone whom this message reaches today to give the preacher Hyung Jin Moon a chance. Listen to his preaching. Listen to three sermons or optimally seven sermons. Do go visit his sanctuary in Newfoundland, PA and speak to him. You will gain immeasurable grace from me, Jesus, if you do so.

I pray for you every day, my dear Christian Brothers and Sisters. I live for you. I abide in you as you abide in me, because we are one in the Spirit and we are one in the Lord.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Jesus of Nazareth Message 2

January 11, 2016
All people need the Holy Spirit
Monday, January 11, 2016, 12:19 PM [End of transcribing 1:13 PM]
[Transcribers note: I had the following exchange in writing prior to taking down this message.]
The Rev. Moon: “Now my brother and dearest mentor Jesus would like to come and share a message with all.”
[Transcribers note: I have chosen one sentence from this message to be the title.]
Dearest Brothers and Sisters,
This is Jesus of Nazareth, writing herein with the full endorsement and backing of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who was able to complete my mission that was cut short.
I did not want to go the way of the cross as the conclusion of my life.
Please do not take offense to the fact that I stated that I am writing with the full endorsement with the Rev. Moon herein. I am stating so to acknowledge a spiritual order that exists. He is now equally the Messiah with me. Please, my Christian brethren do not take offense. This is a fact in the spiritual world and in the eyes of God, the Father.
The man, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, accomplished the Mission of the Messiah on earth. I asked him. Please do not take offense, if this is different from what you believe. Did the Pharisees and Scribes believe that I was the Messiah? Did I look like the Messiah to them? Did they think that a carpenter was the Messiah? He was supposed be a Prince and a King. How could a carpenter be the Messiah? So how could a man speaking an ancient odd language like Korean be the Messiah? A man from a war torn country that hardly nobody knew even existed on the map until fairly recently? Something called the “Hermit Kingdom” because they were so uninvolved in the history of the world – how could such country provide the Messiah to the world?
Don’t specifically ask me. Ask God. He has his clear reasons.
But I will explain (as a proxy to God because of my essence is from the Father) and I am qualified to explain.
The lineage holds the key. The Koreans valued sexual purity in high regard. More than any other culture. This qualified them. They purified their mind, body and soul by valuing sexual purity as a high value for thousands of years. This is why they were chosen.
Yes, the cultural barrier of a Korean person preaching to the West, was enormous. The “hermit kingdom” mentality was strong among the Korean leaders following the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. They rightly felt special and chosen. But they took their “hermit kingdom” mentality too far in relationship with the Messiah.
They should have allowed more international marriage from the beginning. The wife of Rev. Moon disliked international marriage for her own children. This was a grave mistake that cost the Providence of God dearly. But it is now too late to “cry over spilled milk.”
The providence must move on. We must move on to experience the true Pentecost. I brought the original Pentecost. Now the Rev. Sun Myung Moon working with me in the spiritual world is bringing the final Pentecost.
Do not quarrel or debate who is higher in the spiritual world, myself or the Rev. Moon. That is immaterial. We are of God, and share the essence of God. How much time do you have to write a treatise on that? That needs about a month’s worth of writing. But I want to get back to the original question.
Why do we need the personal Pentecost the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the returning Lord who accomplished the Mission of the Messiah, explained about earlier today?
We need a personal Pentecost because we are cut off from God. We have been so cut off.
The woman named Han Hak Ja was the conduit for the Holy Spirit, or a kind of container, when the True Parents’ position was established in the 1960’s. From that point on her prayer and her supplication had huge meaning. But she, like the other “hermit kingdom” people, i.e. the Korean leaders, held to the Holy Spirit too much for themselves. It is not only their personal fault, but one can say it was culturally based as well.
All people need the Holy Spirit. Why did not the Rev. Moon chastise and force Hak Jan Han to spread the Holy Spirit to the world more? He did, but she had her portion of responsibility. A big problem was that she was not at all interested in the Bible. How can you allow the Holy Spirit to flow, if you have no clue about what it is or even understand it? It is harder. It is possible, but much harder. In the end, it just stopped. Throughout the 2,000’s, the decade after the turn of the millennium, Unification Church members were just starved of the Holy Spirit. Even the CheongPyeong providence did not help in this respect. It actually progressively made it worse.
So why did that spigot run dry? The Holy Spirit continued to work within the Christian churches but the Unification Church was dry like the desert. Why?
It has to do with the resentment and hardening of the heart of the Han mother. She started resenting her husband as a “dictator.” We saw that from the spiritual world, but the only person who directly knew of this was the Rev. Sun Myung Moon himself.
On April 18, 2008 the Rev. Moon, held the ceremony where Han Jak Ja stated the name of Yeonah Lee Moon three times and the position of True Mother and the responsibility of True Mother was passed to Yeonah Lee Moon providentially. However, since Han Jak Ja and Rev. Sun Myung Moon were both alive on earth and held the position of True Parents in the eyes of the people of the world, the full practice of the fact the Yeonah Lee Moon was to carry the duties of True Mother on earth, was take place upon the Rev. Moon passing to the spirit world.
Upon the funeral and passing of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the Han mother kicked out Hyung Jin Moon, the Heir to Rev. Moon, and Yeonah Lee Moon, the person bequeathed with the duties and responsibilities of True Mother and performed a dereliction of duty. She did not allow Hyung Jin Moon and Yeonah Lee Moon to perform their duties as the Heir of the position of True Parents.
This was a catastrophic crime of cosmic proportions.
Now we live in the Day of Judgment. There is much pain and suffering that is resulting from this cosmic betrayal. I ask everyone to stock up on food and water, and I am not joking or being lighthearted. Instability will result as a direct consequence of this betrayal.
So what does this have to do with the personal Pentecost that the returning Lord the Rev. Sun Myung Moon is teaching today with his words?
If you have the Holy Spirit in you, you can survive anything and everything.
Dear, Brothers and Sisters, please heed this message. I am asking everyone to read the following important speech collection by the Rev. Moon: “Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 1 ) Section 1. The Spirit World You Can Experience During Your Physical Life.” This is an important short collection. Think on it and pray on it.
Brothers and Sisters, this is Jesus of Nazareth, the carpenter and the Messiah. Yes, I was crucified. My body was never found according to the historical records. I showed myself to my disciples and walked through the walls of houses in my resurrected state. I brought the original Pentecost.
Now is the time for a new Pentecost.
I will leave you with the following words: 
God is a Spirit. 
Amen and Aju.