Monday, February 22, 2016

Sun Myung Moon, Message 8

Message 8, February 10, 2016

Did I ever state that the appointment of Hyung Jin Moon was Conditional?

This is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon writing.

I have a very significant Hoon Dok message for all who believe in the meaning of my life to convey at this time.

I wanted to convey this earlier but there have been time constraints. 

Title of my message is:

Did I ever state that the appointment of Hyung Jin Moon was Conditional?

I appointed an Heir. To be an Heir does not require additional conditions. Once the appointment is done, it is final.

All who understand the meaning of my life on earth must understand that I took the utmost care in instituting an heir. Hyung Jin Moon is the Heir. No one else is the Heir.

It has to be known by all that my wife to whom I was married to for over 50 years is not my Heir. She is just the Eve. And as I have explained earlier she has needed to be replaced in the Eve position because she has egregiously rebelled against me. She was never the Heir and she was never truly the same in the eyes of God as the returning Messiah is in terms of the mission of the Messiah.

Yes, the position of the True Parents in the absolute sense had to be established by restoring a woman to an adequate degree. She, in her initial duties succeeded adequately, but then dramatically and treasonously failed in upholding the lineage of the Messiah by substituting everything with the Han lineage “hogwash.”

The Han lineage is hogwash compared to the Moon lineage. Indeed, there were many miracles and many conditions in the ancestry of the woman Han Hak Ja, but so was the case with my first wife and my second wife as well. That was no different. The lineage of Eve did not create the lineage of the Messiah. How can anyone in their right mind come to that conclusion? Please read the Bible account of Jesus’ lineage for reference. Is that the lineage of Eve? So how could the lineage of the wife of Jesus; that of a woman, who was meant to be chosen at the time of Jesus, be the Messianic lineage? Did the chosen wife of Jesus die on the cross? Not a chance.

It is because I was a King in the spiritual sense and as my son stated recently–yes I was also the judge and the Bridegroom–I had to be a man; a male human being and masculine representation of God.

Was Jesus a girl? A lady? A queen? An Empress?

So, is Han Hak Ja my Heir? She can never be. She is of the wrong sex.

My Heir has to be a son. How many ways should I explain this?

Does Hyung Jin Nim need to wait until Han Hak Ja passes to the spiritual world to perform the duties and responsibilities of the Heir? Did I ever state so?

Does Hyung Jin Nim need to wait for certain conditions to be fulfilled before he can perform the duties and responsibilities of the Heir? Did I ever state so?

All the conditions required were absolutely fulfilled when I prayed over him and Yeon Ah Lee Moon on April 18, 2008 publicly in the ceremony in which I instituted him as the Heir and in the three crowning ceremonies in public in January of 2009. There was zero additional conditions required. Hyung Jin humbly bowed his head in humility and reverence. That is the end of the story in terms his conditions to become qualified in the eyes of God.

How he responds to his appointment and his inheritance is his responsibility and it is the responsibility of all who care about the Will of God to work with him to whatever capacity they can.

It was the original course of the providence for Han Hak Ja to work in harmony with my Heir. She should have been united in harmony; with Han Hak Ja fully supporting my Heir.

Han Hak Ja literally got rid of Hyung Jin Nim from all positions of authority that I appointed him to be him in. This was a travesty of justice and rebellion of against my will. He had done absolutely nothing to warrant such a treatment.

I know that there are people promulgating fantastical new theologies that say that Hyung Jin has to wait to do his duties. Did I say that? Do not believe the words of those who are fabricating fantastical theological innovations to prop up their positions in the organizations associated with Han Hak Ja.

It is really too bad that I am in the spiritual world and that I cannot directly whack the butts of those heretics. Jesus whipped the money exchangers who wanted to profit from their closeness to the high priests. I want to whack the butts of those who want to profit from their closeness to Han Hak Ja. This includes my own children as well.

But I am in the spiritual realm and I cannot affect the physical realm in the same manner as I could in my own physical body functioning. Now my body is turned to atoms and molecules like it should but my spirit is ever present and covers the earth.

Jesus’ spirit has covered the earth for the last 2,000 years. Now my spirit has also come to cover the earth. Both of our spirits are covering the earth. There is much power if you, my children and my dearest faithful members, allow my spirit to dwell in you. I abide in you and you abide in me. Just as Jesus has done for 2,000 years. We both are here to give you double the strength and the power you need.

(This concludes my Hoon Dok Hwae message for this day.)

I must state again: Do not believe the heresies that Han Hak Ja is the Chosen One. She is not. She is a woman who in the end failed due to her resentment. It is the tragedy of tragedies. But on the earth we have my Heir and his most lovely bride who is the head of all the brides now. Amen and Aju.

I authorize this Hoon Dok message to be passed on to all at the earliest possible time.

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