Monday, February 22, 2016

Jesus of Nazareth, Message 3

February 18, 2016

We are One in The Spirit and we are One in the Lord

Good evening my brothers and sisters and faithful people. 

This is Jesus of Nazareth writing through the assistance of the humble transcriber. 

The Title of my message Is “We are One in The Spirit and we are One in the Lord.”

These words have been put to a wonderful song. They are sung throughout the world.

So why would I bother to come to share a message at this time again? Didn’t I just share recently?

Also, didn’t I leave many words behind in the New Testament? If you get hold of a red color-coded version of the New Testament you can try to read only my words that were passed along by my early followers. My point is that there are no direct words of mine left in the historical records. It was all filtered through memory of those who saw me, spoke of me or repeated the words to each other. Nevertheless, the accuracy is amazing and I am surprised how much of the essence of what I said is correct in the New Testament.

But now I have a chance to share directly through the method of thought transference. If you cannot believe it, I beseech you to ask God and to pray. He will give you a confirmation. The humble transcriber is not responsible for these words. He is simply a good conduit.

So why would I bother to come to give more direct words? There have been various efforts throughout history when I have tried to give words. Not many have been fruitful. Various levels of results have transpired.

Emmanuel Swedenborg stood out though. I must state that. But even with him it was not always 100% perfect word to word but the meaning was there. The only one who was 100% on the target was Sun Myung Moon and he was able to understand me 100% and convey everything 100%.

This time in history warrants much explanation and much outreach.

I came as the Lion of Judah. I came as the long-awaited Messiah of the Jewish people. I was the warrior king they were waiting for in the land of the ancestral Jews.

I got into many fights verbally with the religious authorities of the time. They detested and hated me with passion because I won every argument with them. They could not stand me. They could not stand the fact that many women followed me and many fishermen followed me. They absolutely thought that we were troublemakers and dangerous because we did not absolutely follow the Sabbath laws and some of the other laws everyone abided by. They thought we would corrupt their youth and daughters. I was a marked man. I did not care though.

I knew based on my own spiritual experiences with Moses, Elijah, Malachi and Ezra and others that I was the Messiah. I spent years studying the Torah. I spent hours in prayer. I fasted. I cried. I went without water for days. I suffered so badly physically. People have no idea what I put myself though to understand Yahweh – Jehovah – our Heavenly Father. I spared no effort. I was literally kind of crazy for God and crazy about God. So, when I spoke, I spoke from the heart.

So, when I met the young man Sun Myung Moon (this is the name he is known by, but his original [first] name in that day was Yong), I felt so very close to this boy. I felt he was cut of the same cloth. He was just like me. So unbelievably stubborn that I just could not believe it. I could not believe there was another person as stubborn as me. I really thought it was impossible to find somebody as stubborn and committed to God’s Will as I was. But I found this boy. He was praying on the hillside in his early teenage years asking God what he should do with his life. He was a highly unusual young boy. He was so serious at such an early age. It really took me by surprise.

I latched onto him like a leech. I never let go. I only cared to find somebody in Korea. I knew the person to finish my mission had to be in Korea. No other country would do. Only the Koreans had set enough a condition of separating from the fallen family patterns of sexual problems. Neither the Chinese would do nor the Japanese nor the Europeans. I did consider the Russians in some remote tribes but there wasn’t enough population there where needed. The huge plus for the Koreans was that they had taken Christianity into their country and they were on fire with passion to live with Christ. Their stubbornness to live with Christ was decisive and they became the new chosen nation where God would send his son again. It was for me to decide whom and to ask and to plead. I only focused on the young man Sun Myung Moon. I couldn’t find anyone else close to his lineage and caliber.

So, when I found him, I kept pestering him over and over to complete my mission. What did I just say? Yes, to complete my mission. Yes, I indeed indicated that my mission needed further completion.

This may sound blasphemous, I know. It does not sound like what everyone learned in Sunday school or the Catechism class. I will just state it very succinctly herein: I did not come to die on the cross as my primary mission. My mission was derailed and I had no recourse when I was betrayed. If it helps anyone to know theologically, it is stated in the Torah and the Old Testament that the Lord will be either a suffering servant Lord or the glorious victor who is accepted by all and even seen by all eyes [Daniel 7:13].

I was not seen by all eyes and I was not the great warrior everyone hoped to see.

My life was extremely miserable. My father who was the high priest Zachariah disowned me and wanted nothing to do with me. Please do not take offense dear believers. Zachariah was the one who provided the seed for the messianic lineage. He was a holy man who had a holy duty. Even if God is almighty in the sense that he is a spirit and can make miracles, he could not create a pregnancy outside the realm of biology. This is beyond his mode of operation. God uses natural laws whenever possible. It was necessary to use a purified lineage for my birth. That is the reason why Zachariah was chosen for the holy union with Mary.

Zachariah was supposed to raise me all the years of my life in the house of the high priest and in the Temple. But he made Mary depart and I could not live in the house of my Father, Heavenly Father. I could not live in the Temple. I instead spent years struggling to learn the words of the Old Testament. So, I had to immerse myself in the teachings of the prophets. I immersed myself in everything from Moses.

But I want to share here that I really was miserable. I was so lonely. I really had no friends to call my friends. I really had nobody. All I knew is that Heavenly Father wanted me to teach that everyone must love God and love their fellow man like yourself. I taught that we should do onto others, as we would have others do onto us. It is really quite simple but it is absolutely profound.

I am not saying that I was some kind of victim. I do not subscribe to victim mentality. But I can say that I was victimized by the religious authorities. They wanted to make an example out of me. They were afraid of rebellion against them and the subversion of their authority and they wanted to get rid of me. My father did nothing to defend me. 

My half brother John the Baptist did nothing to defend me in the end. He lost his initial inspiration totally. I stood up and taught the word of God. I preached till my voice was hoarse. I performed miracle healing to get people’s attention. I tried everything possible. My follower Mary Magdalene provided material support. I am grateful for that. I am grateful for Peter. And for Paul (Saul of Tarsus). He made it possible to expand the church movement. But I am not grateful to Judas the betrayer. He is still lingering in Hell.

It pains me to think of all my struggles. There were just so many. Every step of the way there was some setback. One thing went out of whack after the other. I was going crazy with the struggles. Nothing was going right. Even when I did a forty day fast Satan tried to trick me when I was famished. But I commanded him and he had to stay in his place. I was victorious over the Devil in my life. But I could not marry. There was no time. There was only blackness and darkness in the end.

My disciples had their doubts. But some believed.

Why am I hashing out all this, which many of you may already know? Why am I pestering the writer at the late hour of the day to write this content?

I must state that my struggles had meaning. If you have struggles, do not give up – they have meaning. What happens in the end is what matters.

So what happened in the end of my life? Yes, they nailed me to the cross after Judas sold me to the authorities. But I offered my struggles to God. I offered it all up to Heavenly Father. He claimed a victory out of my suffering because I forgave my trespassers. I wanted everyone to have a way to receive the benefit of my struggles instead of my struggles having no meaning whatsoever. I said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” [Luke 23:34]. This is the pivotal point.

You should not hold a grudge. You should forgive when you have a chance to forgive. Yes, you need to be righteous and defend though self-defense but do not live your life without forgiving those who have trespassed against you.

This was also important for the woman Han Hak Ja. She thought her husband was too demanding on her. She should have brought it up to Heavenly Father, discussed it with her husband and forgiven her husband’s life choices that were full of pressure and demanding schedules.

It is never too late to forgive the person who needs to be forgiven by you.

So why I am writing about “We Are One in the Spirit?”

It is because we are created and designed by God. Not by a monkey. God is a Spirit. He is ever present. He is everywhere. So am I. I cover the earth. And I have good news for everyone. It is not only myself but it is now also the Rev. Sun Myung Moon who covers all the earth. He truly is the king and the warrior king the Jewish people were waiting for 2,000 years ago. He is the returning Messiah. I selected him. I picked him. I could not have made a better choice. In fact I do believe he was the only logical choice and for that I can only thank God, our Heavenly Father.

Sun Myung Moon has started a new history. He started even a new calendar. The heavenly calendar is known as Cheon-gi. We are now in the 7th year. This is not insignificant. I did not create a calendar. Pope Gregory did.

So why this message all of a sudden? It is because we are one in the Lord. The Lord is the God of the Old Testament. He is still the Lord. He never retired. He never left. In fact he is still the same God in the New Testament. And subsequently he never left in the Common Era after my birth. So where is the Lord today? He is surrounding us the same way as he as always been. He is intrinsic. He is intra-cellular. He is inside your conscience. He is everywhere. And you can touch him and you can feel him. He will tell you all the secrets of the universe if you open up your mind and your heart. Nothing is beyond your reach once you open your mind to the Lord, your God.

Why do you think Albert Einstein was so ahead of his time? Because he opened his mind to the Lord. I am not kidding. Read what Einstein said about him discovering God in the universe.

So my Brothers and Sisters, I know it can be confusing to think that Jesus, the carpenter, could possibly be sharing a message this way. I know it is extra-Biblical. But do you think that John on the island of Patmos was thinking that what he was writing was extra-Biblical? He could have. He maybe did, although the Bible books were canonized centuries later after he wrote his messages on the Island of Patmos and which are commonly known as the Book of Revelation.


This is very important to think about. Are the writings of John of Patmos – and historians don't even know who he was – important? Are they extra-Biblical because they were not canonized by me? I did not canonize the Bible. It was done by the early church leaders according to their taste. This again is very important.

“Do not despise prophesying,” states the Scripture, “but test everything.” [1 Thessalonians. 5:20-21].

So I urge you have to have an open heart and an open ear. When I state that Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the returning Lord at the Second Coming, I mean it. I know it to be the case 100%. If you are not convinced, you need to pray. You need to plead to the Holy Spirit to show you a sign.

I am stating herein that Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the one man whom I chose to accomplish everything that was left undone due to my untimely demise. I want to use that word “demise” because I didn’t want to die at the age of 33.

I still had my life ahead of me. I was meant to bring the nation of Israel under my physical leadership both in religious and political manner. I am not being lighthearted. I had that intention. You may call me crazy but I wanted to organize the society of my Jewish ancestors to be a society to build the “Kingdom of Heaven.” This means the ideal societal structure. I was capable of that leadership. But I was not allowed access to the right connections to make that possible. Even though it is not clearly explained in the Scriptures, Zachariah holds much of the responsibility for not introducing me to the ruling people. I remained almost an outcast in every way. It was heartbreaking.

So why am I sharing about all this? It is because I never gave up on the goal of building the Kingdom of Heaven. The Rev. Moon followed my dictate 100%. He never deviated from the mandate I gave to him. Now his son on earth is carrying on the mantle of that leadership and I must unequivocally state that I am behind his son named Hyung Jin Moon 100% in his mandate to follow his father’s direction to him.

There are today possibly about 2 billion Christians or people who call themselves Christians. I am grateful to all of them for calling themselves Christians. I would also be extremely grateful if you – any one of you – who call yourselves Christians give a listening ear to the preacher Hyung Jin Moon. His words are worth your time. His praise service is worth your time. His prayers will bring you great blessing. The ceremonies he provides will bring you untold blessings that you cannot even imagine.

He has a lovely wife whose presence emanates of the Holy Spirit. Please allow her to be part of your praise and worship. You will gain untold blessings and gifts.

In some ways I am a simple and straightforward person. I am Jesus. Yes, I am with God and united with God because of my birth, mission and identity. I care about God. I started my life that way and I ended my physical life that way and exist in the world of the Spirit that way. I don’t know what else to do.

It is for this reason that I urge everyone and anyone whom this message reaches today to give the preacher Hyung Jin Moon a chance. Listen to his preaching. Listen to three sermons or optimally seven sermons. Do go visit his sanctuary in Newfoundland, PA and speak to him. You will gain immeasurable grace from me, Jesus, if you do so.

I pray for you every day, my dear Christian Brothers and Sisters. I live for you. I abide in you as you abide in me, because we are one in the Spirit and we are one in the Lord.


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