October 2, 2015
What I want to stress most importantly is that True Father, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon was and is the returning Jesus and the returning lord. This means word made flesh.
What I want to stress most importantly is that True Father, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon was and is the returning Jesus and the returning lord. This means word made flesh.
2, 2015, 9:02 pm - end of transcribing 11:33 pm]]
reference in matt. 12:18 - "i will put my spirit upon him.").
to the new reality
Hello, this
is Young Oon Kim.
I am
just very, very grateful that you are able to take time to write at this time.
There is just so much at stake. The cosmic battle is not over.
have tried to find some way or somebody to transcribe. Thank you for taking the
time to write down this transcribing despite of all the things you are busy
doing. It is not easy to find someone who will faithfully write and transcribe.
It is even harder to find someone who does not interject their own thinking to
the writing. You are now called the Unworthy Typist. You do have a gift, but we
are all unworthy of the gifts we have received from God, Jesus, True Father,
and the Holy Spirit and now the Successor Couple who is allowing Grace to flow
to this world like never before. But you are a faithful person and that is why
you can now just use the keyboard just as well. No more pen and paper needed,
if you don't want. The words flow just as well but faster. You know you are
essentially just a fax machine. A human fax machine. But it is needed much now.
I am Ms. Kim, known as Young Oon Kim. Who am I? Does it matter? Well, not in most
matters. But I am uniquely qualified in the matters of theology. Does theology
even matter anymore? Isn't the world governed by technology, like iPhones,
iPads and such? By servers and massive technical companies? By artificial
intelligence? Actually it does matter. What was Harvard University? A school of
theology. What were most top universities? Schools of theology. Theology might
have fallen out of fashion but it holds primacy as field of knowledge in the
eyes of God. Yes, in the eyes of the almighty God, theology is the most
important science there is. One would kind of guess that wouldn't one?
why is it so pressing that I come to pester the humble writer at this time to
write things down? I have been pestering the writer over and over, that's a
fact. But finally here we go.
importantly of all - what I want to stress most importantly is that True
Father, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon was and is the returning Jesus and the
returning Lord. Why does that matter? Also, for what audience and to whom am I
writing this treatise herein? I am writing this most specifically to any person
who has read the Bible, and to any Unification member who has attended the UTS
[Unification Theological Seminary] or had a deep interest in the Divine
Principle. Any person who was or has been a "lecturer" in workshops
or in any venues. I am writing essentially to any person who cares anymore
about who the Rev. Sun Myung Moon was and what he accomplished during his life
on earth. Of course I would like to reach everyone else as well but I am
focusing this treatise on content that requires understanding the teachings of
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the returning Lord and the returning Messiah, Christ.
This means word made flesh (Bible reference in Matt. 12:18 - "I will put my
Spirit upon him.").
who was Sun Myung Moon? Who was he? Does it matter? Does it matter more than
who is his wife – once-so-to-have-been - woman Han Hak Ja?
us compare.
let's be clear that I know that a whole new theology is being built around
mother – Han Hak Ja, and will call her Han mother from this time on, as is
appropriate at this time.
to preface, and in the interest of full disclosure, I can see from the
spiritual realm that Han mother is no longer the "True Mother." She
was once, but is no longer so. She had stepped into the role, but subsequently
she also stepped out from the role. The role of True Mother in the final
analysis is similar to a title or a job. It can be given and it can be taken
away. It is not up to the person. It is up to God. Who? Hananim, the Creator,
the infinite Being who is our eternal Parent, Father in the subject position
and mother in the supportive object position, and therefore appropriately
called our Heavenly Father. So how should we compare Han mother and Sun Myung
Moon? Should that even be done?
this time I would like to make a mention about theologians. There are now some
making rounds and giving speeches in order to twist the Truth and bring people
in the Unification community into confusion. I am specifically naming Mr.
Andrew Wilson who is a respectable individual and a respectable scholar.
However, I am also a theologian. I am no longer in the physical realm to go
around to give lectures and give speeches or write essays. But I can see the
lectures he gives. There indeed is a giant video recorder in the spiritual
realm that we can use to see many things in history. It is complicated, but
much knowledge is stored in the spiritual realm to learn from. Every word ever
said is stored. But now back to theologians.
are theologians who have a deep and sincere relationship with God. Then there
are more common ones who are highly intellectual. You may recall from Genesis
who was highly intellectual in the Garden? Of course you know. I am not saying
that to be highly intellectual is bad. Or Satanic! No. But I must explain
something very clearly. I know that Mr. Wilson, if he ever reads this, will
deny it, but it does not matter in the least. The fact is that there are
thought workers around theologians who are thought workers of Lucifer. Yes,
that Lucifer, the same entity, a fallen archangel of the Biblical account
of the Garden of Eden. What do I mean by this? A theologian is susceptible to
influences that influence his or her thoughts from the spiritual realm. Do you
think Mozart was influenced by helpful thought workers when he wrote his music
as a precocious child prodigy? Indeed so. Can somebody subtly be influenced by
thought workers to guide one's mind to fabricate "clever
Reference: 2 Peter 1:16).
does a theologian have an ego? Indeed so. To have one's theological
"breakthroughs" blasted all over makes the ego feel good, doesn't it?
It's like a rock musician getting airtime on the radio. Makes the ego feel so
essence there are two camps of theologians. Those who have the sincerity of
heart to have closeness to God – Hananim – our Creator and Spirit that masters
everything, or those who focus on intellectual exercises to the point of being
fully workable by thought workers of Lucifer to guide them to new conclusions.
This is the history of theology. This is the history of religion. This is also
now the history of the Unification Church.
to the new reality.
point still is to find the Truth. Breakthroughs in theology are not always
breakthroughs to God. The point is where is the newly devised teaching leading?
Is it leading us to God or away from God? Is it leading us to Christ or away
from Christ? Is it giving us life or is bringing us death and destruction?
a rocket blasts off to orbit, even a small deviation can cause a great loss of
accuracy in arriving at the destination. The same is true for religion and
theology. Seemingly small deviations become blatant heresy, blatant false
teaching and blatant fabrication when carried far enough.
leads me to the new book "Cham Bumo Gyeong" being
translated about Han mother. Let it be known for all interested that this book
contains many fabrications. The authors know it. Why don't they reject their
devious work? Why don't they follow their conscience and not betray True Father
by making a book full of clear falsehoods and fabrications? This book is the
work of thought workers of Lucifer. I explained above that this reality exists.
There is a concerted effort going on to eradicate the words and teachings of
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon when it relates to his dissatisfaction with Han mother
at the end of their tenure together in the last ten years or so of Rev. Sun
Myung Moon's life.
new book Cham Bumo Gyeong is falsifying the historical record, thus
it must be relegated to the scrap heap of propaganda works with all other types
of propaganda.
you know that Han mother has been destroying speeches and records of Rev. Sun
Myung Moon's sermons, HDK sessions and words? Do you believe me that this is
going on? You can ask people in Korea and in the United States about mother's
visit to the archive office to do exactly that. She visited with the woman Kim
Hyo Nam. We saw it and we witnessed it. Others who are in the physical world
are privy to this as well. Many people know this. But why is she doing this
destruction of historical records? There is only one explanation. She wants to
fabricate a new, whitewashed reality. She wants to create a
facade of prettiness and gayety of "True Parents," that never really
life of Han Hak Ja was "torture" and difficulty, and she made it
worse so by her own attitude. It wasn't literally "torture" but only
metaphysically so. She had to indemnify all of Eve's roles. She indemnified a
lot but not all of it in the end. She was meant to uphold Adam in the subject
position. Did she bow to True Father's picture on Foundation Day? Where was
Father's picture? Father was literally represented by an empty shirt. Did she
uphold her Savior and Lord, as her Savior and Lord? Yes she had earned the
title of True Mother, but did she fulfill everything that Sun Myung Moon, True
Father had told her to do? No, not even close.
had to uphold Father's lineage to the end and for evermore. She absolutely
should not exalt the Han tribe and the Han lineage. Whose lineage is the Han
lineage? It is by default the lineage of Satan. It is not by default the
lineage of God. The Messiah must restore a bride. She was the bride. She was
not the Messiah and never can be, could be, should be, or has even one iota
chance of becoming. Just the Bride. Just the woman to bear of sin of history.
That is a heavy burden, but she received much help from members and True
Father. She only had to remain humble, loyal and serving. Never to proclaim
herself as the queen or the empress. Never. This is not Eve's duty or Eve's
mission. When the King is around, she is the Queen. But when the King is dead,
a new King will reign. How simple is that? Even comic books, and fairy tales
get it. Why can't the members of the Unification community get it?
not be hoodwinked by clever theologians digging up quotes by Father praising
mother. Should Father have condemned mother 24/7? Not every conditional
statement that Father made does sound conditional when it comes to mother. But
when analyzed for meaning there is the human responsibility that Han mother
must fulfill. Father had to treat mother with kid gloves most of the time. We
don't know that but that is what Father did most of the time in reality. He
could not chastise mother quite the same as others even if he wanted. It would
have delayed her fulfilling her responsibility too much. But now in the end it
does not matter. Mother could not carry to the end with her responsibility. Her
responsibility was so simple because Father found a successor in his youngest
boy. How simple was mother's final responsibility. But mother had become
hard-hearted and arrogant. Sorry to disappoint everyone. But I, Young Oon Kim,
I am also a woman. I know how women think, act and behave. They harbor jealousy
easily. It is irrational how that works. It has to do psychologically with the
maternal protective instinct. It is connected. But it is a strong tendency.
Mother became jealous of Father's ability to be truly loved by the members. She
also become jealous of Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim being genuinely liked by
the members. She also wanted power. She felt powerless in her marriage. She did
not understand her true power came from her love instead of position. She had a
lot of feelings of resentment that she didn't need to have, if she understood
the Divine Principle or the Bible. She never really understood what the Messiah
really is, or what is Christ. She saw her husband more in a Korean emperor tradition
rather than a Christian religious context.
wanted to explain this because so many members think mother is infallible. Just
like Catholics say the Pope is infallible. Sorry to disappoint. Neither are!
Only God is. Jesus did his very best. His spirit was fused with Holy Spirit at
birth. So was Sun Myung Moon's. The whole sinless birth business is so
complicated that I don't still understand it. Trust me. I have spoken with the
apostles and all the disciples and anyone who can weigh in.
is no way Han mother could be born sinless from a sinless lineage. There is no
chance. Zero possibility. The Messiah is the person whose spirit becomes fused
with God's spirit. But he still comes from a line of regular people. Not just
saints or "holy" people exclusively. All kinds of people. But there
is a condition for God to take much greater involvement in Jesus as the infant
or Sun Myung Moon as the infant. I have spoken to every great mind. Nobody
really understands the ins and outs of how did Jesus become the Messiah. Or how
did the Rev. Sun Myung Moon become the Messiah to fulfill Jesus' mission that
was left largely uncompleted due to the course of the cross that cut it short.
Jesus' mission was much greater than to be crucified. The course of the cross was
the unfortunate alternate course when people did not have enough faith in him,
the Messiah, Christ. But how did Jesus come to be the Messiah? How did the Rev.
Sun Myung Moon come to be the Messiah?
we are finally getting to the heart of the matter. Now theology becomes more
we know that Jesus' father was Zachariah. This is shocking to most Christians
but the time has come to face the facts. Jesus did have a father. There was no
higher devout Israelite than Zachariah in the eyes of God. So no wonder God
chose him for a special duty and a special mission. To provide the seed to the
young woman – "virgin" Mary. Mary had faith. Zachariah had faith.
Jesus inherited that faith. God could infuse Jesus with more of his spirit than
anyone ever before then. Jesus still had a course of personal development just
as did the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Both went through essentially a very similar
development course.
Han mother also do that? No. Never. She had no opportunity. She was giving
birth to the children of the bloodline of Christ. Could there be a higher honor
for a woman?
has happened in the last three years since the Rev. Sun Myung Moon ascended to
the spiritual world? Han mother has practically taken the position of a new
Christ figure. A female Christ figure. How can this be explained rationally? We
need to dissect this rationally.
she the Messiah? Could she somehow come to that role? Realistically speaking?
Let's have an open mind about this. She was a beautiful and sexually pure young
woman. A foundation for the seed to be sown. But could she grow somehow in the
relationship with the Messiah to take equal partnership in the end or some
point? What does that even mean? Partnership? Where in the Bible does it talk
about a partnership? Does the subject object relationship make her an equal
I am
sorry but my head is exploding.
Eve had to be restored. Not born sinless. If she was born sinless the Principle
of Restoration is not needed. All of Biblical history was not needed and the
last 2,000 years was not needed because the Biblical history and the last 2,000
years are the period that manifest the Principle of Restoration working. If
there is a sinless woman born in 1942 what was the exact restorational
rationale for having a Messiah born in 1920 first? He was meeting with Jesus
and discovering the true meaning of the Bible and going through his years of
preparation, then working it with first flower bed (his first wife), then his
second flower bed (his second wife), only lastly to hit the jackpot in the
third flowerbed (Han mother)? Give me break.
I am writing more free style in this treatise. Yes, I am letting my emotion
come through. I just can't help it. So this is not a scholarly paper. Such
writing may come later; we'll see. There is more to say yet.)
me conclude with the following.
need to be vigilant to protect the Truth. We need to pray for Heavenly Father
to bring down the Holy Spirit to squash falsehood no matter how. This time is
grave. The words of the "new Bible" Cheon Seong Gyeong have been
changed. By what authority? None.
fellow Sisters and Brothers in faith. I beseech you not to follow Han mother. I
beseech you. No false teaching is worth losing your eternal life over.
Restoration of grave sins takes a long time in the spiritual world. It is not
worth it. I do not state this lightly.
God Bless you all, and may God bless the Successor Couple, Hyung Jin Moon and
Yeonah Lee Moon who now walks in the duty of True Mother of Heaven and Earth.
Aju and
most unworthy scholar and theologian,
Oon Kim
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