January 11, 2016
people need the Holy Spirit
January 11, 2016, 12:19 PM [End of transcribing 1:13 PM]
note: I had the following exchange in writing prior to taking down this
Rev. Moon: “Now my brother and dearest mentor Jesus would like to come and
share a message with all.”
note: I have chosen one sentence from this message to be the title.]
Brothers and Sisters,
is Jesus of Nazareth, writing herein with the full endorsement and backing of
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who was able to complete my mission that was cut
did not want to go the way of the cross as the conclusion of my life.
do not take offense to the fact that I stated that I am writing with the full
endorsement with the Rev. Moon herein. I am stating so to acknowledge a
spiritual order that exists. He is now equally the Messiah with me. Please, my
Christian brethren do not take offense. This is a fact in the spiritual world
and in the eyes of God, the Father.
man, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, accomplished the Mission of the Messiah on earth. I
asked him. Please do not take offense, if this is different from what you
believe. Did the Pharisees and Scribes believe that I was the Messiah? Did I
look like the Messiah to them? Did they think that a carpenter was the Messiah?
He was supposed be a Prince and a King. How could a carpenter be the Messiah? So
how could a man speaking an ancient odd language like Korean be the Messiah? A
man from a war torn country that hardly nobody knew even existed on the map
until fairly recently? Something called the “Hermit Kingdom” because they were
so uninvolved in the history of the world – how could such country provide the
Messiah to the world?
specifically ask me. Ask God. He has his clear reasons.
I will explain (as a proxy to God because of my essence is from the Father) and
I am qualified to explain.
lineage holds the key. The Koreans valued sexual purity in high regard. More
than any other culture. This qualified them. They purified their mind, body and
soul by valuing sexual purity as a high value for thousands of years. This is
why they were chosen.
the cultural barrier of a Korean person preaching to the West, was enormous.
The “hermit kingdom” mentality was strong among the Korean leaders following
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. They rightly felt special and chosen. But they took
their “hermit kingdom” mentality too far in relationship with the Messiah.
should have allowed more international marriage from the beginning. The wife of
Rev. Moon disliked international marriage for her own children. This was a
grave mistake that cost the Providence of God dearly. But it is now too late to
“cry over spilled milk.”
providence must move on. We must move on to experience the true Pentecost. I
brought the original Pentecost. Now the Rev. Sun Myung Moon working with me in
the spiritual world is bringing the final Pentecost.
not quarrel or debate who is higher in the spiritual world, myself or the Rev.
Moon. That is immaterial. We are of God, and share the essence of God. How much
time do you have to write a treatise on that? That needs about a month’s worth
of writing. But I want to get back to the original question.
do we need the personal Pentecost the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the returning Lord
who accomplished the Mission of the Messiah, explained about earlier today?
need a personal Pentecost because we are cut off from God. We have been so cut
woman named Han Hak Ja was the conduit for the Holy Spirit, or a kind of
container, when the True Parents’ position was established in the 1960’s. From
that point on her prayer and her supplication had huge meaning. But she, like
the other “hermit kingdom” people, i.e. the Korean leaders, held to the Holy
Spirit too much for themselves. It is not only their personal fault, but one
can say it was culturally based as well.
people need the Holy Spirit. Why did not the Rev. Moon chastise and force Hak
Jan Han to spread the Holy Spirit to the world more? He did, but she had her
portion of responsibility. A big problem was that she was not at all interested
in the Bible. How can you allow the Holy Spirit to flow, if you have no clue
about what it is or even understand it? It is harder. It is possible, but much
harder. In the end, it just stopped. Throughout the 2,000’s, the decade after
the turn of the millennium, Unification Church members were just starved of the
Holy Spirit. Even the CheongPyeong providence did not help in this respect. It
actually progressively made it worse.
why did that spigot run dry? The Holy Spirit continued to work within the
Christian churches but the Unification Church was dry like the desert. Why?
has to do with the resentment and hardening of the heart of the Han mother. She
started resenting her husband as a “dictator.” We saw that from the spiritual
world, but the only person who directly knew of this was the Rev. Sun Myung
Moon himself.
April 18, 2008 the Rev. Moon, held the ceremony where Han Jak Ja stated the
name of Yeonah Lee Moon three times and the position of True Mother and the
responsibility of True Mother was passed to Yeonah Lee Moon providentially.
However, since Han Jak Ja and Rev. Sun Myung Moon were both alive on earth and
held the position of True Parents in the eyes of the people of the world, the
full practice of the fact the Yeonah Lee Moon was to carry the duties of True
Mother on earth, was take place upon the Rev. Moon passing to the spirit world.
the funeral and passing of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the Han mother kicked out
Hyung Jin Moon, the Heir to Rev. Moon, and Yeonah Lee Moon, the person
bequeathed with the duties and responsibilities of True Mother and performed a
dereliction of duty. She did not allow Hyung Jin Moon and Yeonah Lee Moon to
perform their duties as the Heir of the position of True Parents.
was a catastrophic crime of cosmic proportions.
we live in the Day of Judgment. There is much pain and suffering that is
resulting from this cosmic betrayal. I ask everyone to stock up on food and
water, and I am not joking or being lighthearted. Instability will result as a
direct consequence of this betrayal.
what does this have to do with the personal Pentecost that the returning Lord
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon is teaching today with his words?
you have the Holy Spirit in you, you can survive anything and everything.
Brothers and Sisters, please heed this message. I am asking everyone to read
the following important speech collection by the Rev. Moon: “Earthly Life and
Spirit World (Part 1 ) Section 1. The Spirit World You Can Experience During Your
Physical Life.” This is an important short collection. Think on it and pray on
and Sisters, this is Jesus of Nazareth, the carpenter and the Messiah. Yes, I
was crucified. My body was never found according to the historical records. I
showed myself to my disciples and walked through the walls of houses in my
resurrected state. I brought the original Pentecost.
is the time for a new Pentecost.
will leave you with the following words:
is a Spirit.
and Aju.
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