Monday, February 22, 2016

Sun Myung Moon, Message 9

February 17, 2016

The New Future of Christianity has been established

Good morning.

This is Rev. Sun Myung Moon writing herein with the cooperation of the faithful transcriber (who is humbly offering his time and effort to provide the mechanical means to provide the way to transcribe this message). I thank him for his service.

The title of my message is “The New Future of Christianity Has Been Established.”

Dear faithful people, of all walks of life, this is a glorious new dawn and a new era you have come to be a witness of. You are truly living in a miraculous time of the Personal Pentecost and the coming of the Kingdom of God.

I urge all people to familiarize themselves with my historic proclamation in 1974, which I gave at Madison Square Garden in New York City called “The New Future of Christianity.” My message today is making an equally important proclamation that relates to the content of that message to all Christians and all faithful people of all walks of life.

I cannot underscore enough how important today’s proclamation is.

Today is February 17, 2016. On Saturday, the date was February 13, 2016 – my birthday by the lunar calendar and the Heavenly Calendar I established seven years ago.

Today is four days since February 13, 2016. There have been four birthdays of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon since I ascended. (First one was in 2013, the second one in 2014 and the third one in 2015.) Four days ago was the fourth birthday. Today’s proclamation is the Four and Four Proclamation of the Kingdom of God.

What is the meaning of this Four and Four Proclamation and what does it have to do with anything?

Actually, the name is not that important but the content is. The content of this proclamation is the content I wish to share about the fact that the new future of Christianity has been established.

What happened on February 13, 2016? On that brutally cold winter day in sub-zero, outdoors temperatures in the midst of North Korea like weather, a historical ceremony took place broadcast to all the lands of the earth.

What was that ceremony? Why did over 2,300 couples come to participate under that ceremony worldwide since August 30 last year? And why have altogether over 10,000 people – husbands, wives, and children of those couples, as well as newlywed bridegrooms and brides in the course of less than a year partaken of the Returning to True Father’s Authority Holy Wine and in the Blessing Ceremonies?

The answer is simple:

The new future of Christianity has been established.

There was an error committed on earth at the time of the Fall of Adam and Eve. There was an error also committed on earth after my ascension by the woman in the Eve’s role and position – a woman by the name of Han Hak Ja. This woman was once my wife and once held the position of the Eve that has to be restored on earth. This woman who was betrothed to me to be married in the final perfection stage marriage ceremony left me in her heart. She divorced me in her heart. She committed a grave error on earth. This was a tragedy of tragedies. This woman was to be the most glorious woman in all of history, and I praised her endlessly, especially in the early and mid-periods of our marriage but she egregiously went against my Will and Testament that I wrote by my own hand, on June 5, 2010. Thus, she brought judgment on herself and all who associate with her and unfortunately, I have to state – all the earth. The error was committed on the earth.

Who shares in the blame for the original Fall of Eve in the Garden? Lucifer, the devil and Satan. Who shares in the blame of the Fall of the Eve-to-be-restored Han Hak Ja on the isolated mountain of the Cheong Pyeong estate which is like a garden she built for herself? Lucifer, the devil and Satan.

How could Lucifer the Deceiver deceive the woman who received direct love from the returning Messiah, the Lord at the Second Coming?

Those who are flabbergasted by me stating that I, Rev. Moon, am the Returning Lord at the Second Coming, please study the records of my life, and the historical facts surrounding my life and read the my speech, “The New Future of Christianity.” Pray and fast, and the answer will be surely and clearly be given to you about who is Rev. Sun Myung Moon by God Himself and the Holy Spirit will give you a sign and a confirmation.

So again, how could Lucifer the Deceiver deceive the woman who received direct love from the returning Messiah, the Lord at the Second Coming?

The answer is simple:

This woman had not reached individual perfection and oneness with the heart of God 100%. She had not reached the direct dominion of God by the time I ascended.

Did I see that in 2012? Did I see that during all the years after the turn of the millennium? Yes, I did.

I was with the woman Han Hak Ja all the time. I saw the danger signs but I had to trust her. The position was hers to lose and her responsibility to keep. She committed the error on earth. She transgressed by not upholding my lineage but instead she promoted the fallen Han lineage that she was to fully restore by reaching the direct dominion of God.

I am sorry I did not choose better. I am so sorry. I had run out of options – prior to Han Hak Ja I had already had two Eves who both were attacked by Satan so severely. The Eve position is a formidable responsibility because it is truly like a double-edged sword. It can cut the destiny of a person both ways. The path of goodness or the path of tragedy and betrayal can result. In the end, Han Hak Ja chose betrayal.

Why? She did not understand my mission fully. She did not digest her responsibility fully. Her responsibility included digesting my relationships with the other providential women – these are the six Marys that God mandated to be part of the history of restoration. She failed. She harbored resentment instead. I even placed a sign in East Garden stating “Victory Over Resentment.” That sign was really for her.

So again, how could Lucifer the Deceiver deceive the woman who received direct love from the returning Messiah, the Lord at the Second Coming?

The reality of resentment holds the key to understanding her failure. Doesn’t her name sound the same as the word Han in the Korean language, that word that also means resentment?

It was her destiny to have a victory over resentment. She had to overcome the historical resentment of all women on the earth. She tragically failed in the end. Now, all women, men and children have to bear the consequence of her Fall, just as all women, men and children had to bear the consequence of the Fall of the original Eve in the Garden.

Today, however, I am making a historical proclamation.

Due to the faith of over 10,000 faithful people on earth, there has been a condition set for a lesser judgment to cover the earth, but the judgment will still come. There is nothing anyone can individually do to avoid the final judgment that she has brought upon mankind. I urge all people to prepare for some times of difficulty to come.

My proclamation is simple – we have a new future of Christianity that has been established on the earth today due to the faithfulness of over 10,000 people. Christianity was born amongst the most difficult persecution under the Roman Empire. The new future of Christianity has been and will be established under conditions of persecution and suffering. It did not have to be like this again. But there was no other route left. But the faith of 10,000 people centered on my Successor and Heir and representative body of True Parents that I instituted, the man Hyung Jin Moon, has brought about the new future of Christianity that will establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

The future is already here. Yes, of course tomorrow is the future but the future I prophesied in my speech in 1974 has finally arrived.

We have now on the earth people who have entered the Ark of Noah again. We have people who have entered the life rafts during the sinking of the Titanic figuratively speaking. We have people who are the flag bearers of the new future of Christianity.

I love the Christian faithful people with all my heart and soul. It is true that many persecuted and misunderstood me during my life on earth. It does not matter. It is water under the bridge. I have 100% utterly and completely forgotten any harsh treatment and persecution I received. It does not matter.

We are one in the Spirit. We are one in the Lord. Everything will this day be restored.

The people who read the Bible and who understand the Bible are God’s people. Yes, other religious people are also the children of God and there is no denying we are all children of God. But those who believe and read the Bible are the chosen people. They are the people God is calling today. They are the people who stand on the shoulders of thousands and even millions of martyrs who shed blood, and gave up their lives and their treasure to reach out to Christ and live with Christ to the best of their ability.

Christians, who profess their faith to Jesus and pledge their lives to Jesus and who preach from the Bible, and even relate directly to Jesus and God without going through any hierarchy of men, are truly God’s people. If anyone berates them, they are a betrayer of God of the worst kind. Do not treat lightly the difficult path that God had to tread to bring the Bible and the reformation four hundred years ago so that people can have a direct relationship with Jesus and God.

Are western democracies not based on the Judeo-Christian value system? If you live in a western style democracy or the United States, consider yourself extremely lucky and fortunate. Would you like to live in Iran or Saudi Arabia instead where if you utter a sharp critical utterance against the ruling hierarchy your head will meet as a response a sharp cut from a sharp cutting object and sever it? Do not berate your Christian foundation my dearest faithful people. Embrace it. Grow it. Spread it. Supercharge it.

Why am I promoting Christianity? Why am I so in favor of Christianity? Take a look around. Who is standing up for the rights of women? Is it the Arabs? Is it the rulers of Islam? I am not saying everyone in Islamic countries is evil but I am saying they do not allow women to have rights. Women are the children and daughters of God. They are the brides not only to men but also to Christ and God, spiritually.

God continues to work through the Christian foundation today. There is no denying it. We are one in Christ. We are one in Jesus. And I must state it, even though it may be hard for some to fathom, Jesus asked me as a young boy to carry on his work that was not quite completed because of the faithlessness of the Jewish people at that time. Not because of the faithlessness of Jesus – but the faithlessness of the people surrounding him. Jesus did nothing wrong. He did not have weak flesh. Jesus achieved the maximum victory he could achieve with those surrounding him. As the result, he brought complete and full spiritual salvation to everyone who believes in him and practices as he preached.

The problem however was still that an error committed on earth has to be resolved and restored on earth–on the physical earth. Adam and Eve fell on the earth – in the physical world. The stained blood lineage from the father the Devil (John 8:44) was implanted on earth. Therefore the stained blood lineage has to be cleansed and purified on the earth – not only in the spiritual realm.

Some claim that the shedding of the precious blood of Jesus was all that was ever required by God. But we must look at this logically. Do the children of even the most devout Christians still sin? Are we free of sin? Most importantly, are we truly free of the original stained blood lineage defiled by Lucifer? This may be hard to wrap one’s mind around but the DNA of Adam and Eve, particularly the intricacies around their DNA was impacted by the Fall. How the intricacies of DNA are affected is now even supported by modern science. But the most important point is that the error committed on earth must be corrected by everyone on earth personally, individually and physically. Physical salvation is absolutely needed and not only spiritual or collective salvation. Individual physical salvation is needed one person at a time. One man at a time. One woman at a time. With each child – one by one. On earth. Through restoration on earth and salvation on earth.

Physical salvation is what Jesus desired. He preached of the Kingdom on earth–not only a spiritual kingdom but a physical kingdom inhabited by physical people, who are perfect as their heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). This was the objective and the goal of Jesus. Not only a church. Not a group of people led by a pope or by some preacher. A group of people who live in the physical kingdom of God on earth, without original sin and without a need for further restoration ceremonies, Eucharist’s or confessionals.

Jesus did not come to build a church. He came to erect the physical kingdom of God on earth. He had to build churches and the spiritual foundation for spiritual salvation of people because he had no other alternative. Originally, he only wanted to erect the Kingdom of God. He wanted the Marriage of the Lamb in his own time. Not later in a second coming. There was never meant to be a second coming.

I stepped in only after enormous arm wrestling and mental pleading of Jesus when I was a boy. I did not want to do the mission he wanted me to do. Who would? I knew I had to face death over and over because Satan surely would want to eliminate me completely. But once I committed, I committed 100%.

The most difficult thing I had to do was to restore a woman. I partially failed. I accept the blame. I should have chosen better. Korea should have provided better. But it is what it is. I worked with those whom God brought to me.

Today, I bow my head in humility to Jesus and God who are one and I am one in Jesus.

In today’s proclamation, we make a bow. God makes a bow. Jesus makes a bow. I make a bow. We bow to the 10,000. Yes, ten thousand bowed to us. But today we bow to mankind. I weep and cry as I bow. We all weep and cry as we bow. We bow to the 10,000. We are weeping and weeping.

We acknowledge the faith of Hyung Jin Moon. We acknowledge the faith of Yeon Ah Lee Moon. We acknowledge the faith of Kook Jin Moon and his wife. We acknowledge the faith all those who sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears to bring 10,000 people to the New Future of Christianity, the lifeboat, and the beginning of the Kingdom that has no end.

I am still weeping. God is still weeping. We are weeping from joy. We are weeping from the victory of humanity at this final hour.

To be God has new meaning. To be Jesus has new meaning. To be the one who accepted the responsibility of the Second Coming has new meaning. The earth has new meaning.

The Kingdom of God will last forever and forever. It will be established on the earth.

This completes the Four and Four Proclamation, and the explanation of how the New Future of Christianity Has Been Established. I conclude this message with many tears of joy today.

Amen and Aju.

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