message to all people
All inhabitants of the physical world and the spiritual
28, 2015, Tuesday, 1:12 pm Est - end of transcribing: 2:10 pm
to the transcriber:
You are my child, and you are helping Brothers and Sisters
by accepting taking note of the message and transcribing it. Even though it takes up your time,
it is our Brothers and Sisters who desperately need to understand what is going
on in God's Providence.
is Sun Myung Moon, I am the returning Lord. I accomplished the thorny path of
restoration. I fulfilled the Biblical prophecy through my blood, sweat and
tears. I fulfilled everything that God asked me to do. I left nothing undone.
Everything I did, I did to the utmost degree of completion.
the road and the path of restoration was long and very difficult. Almost
impossible. Nearly without final accomplishment. Nevertheless, the final
accomplishment was reached. True Parents' Position was established on the
Earth; without fail. Also, a True Family was established on Earth.
it needs to be understood by all that, restoration still continues. Although, I,
Sun Myung Moon set the conditions for liberating God and all humanity, still
the portion of human responsibility remains just the same. Without fulfilment
of human responsibility there is no fulfilment of the Providence of
Restoration. The accomplishment of human responsibility is the absolutely
critical and pivotal necessity.
wife Hak Ja Han has also her own portion of human responsibility. During my
life on Earth, I could not push her any harder. I could not make her understand
the Divine Principle. She had her own portion of responsibility to comprehend
and to learn the basic meaning and tenets of the Principle teaching. I could
not force her to understand. There was no method that I could devise to make
Hak Ja Han's mind to be 100% full of comprehending the Principle. The same also
applies to the other members of the family I created, known as the True Family.
could not verify that every person understood the Divine Principle to a certain
degree. Isn't there an expression that the preacher's kids are the worst? This
is not an excuse I am stating. I am simply looking at what has happened. I
tried my best. I vanquished Satan's dominion spiritually in my course, but
still everyone in the human race, every man, woman and child, bears their own
individual human responsibility to come to God and to learn the truth individually.
There is no way going around that.
tried speaking very long hours so that something as a result would seep into
the consciousness of every person listening. I spoke insane lengths of time;
beyond comparison to anyone. I had an insatiable desire to instill the truth to
each person's mind and heart. However, I was still only a human in my ability
to communicate.
is a need to broaden our communications of the Principle. We need to use modern
technology, videos, websites and every conceivable method of helping the Divine
Principle to be shared, presented, lectured, and documented in a way that keeps
everyone's attention.
dear Brothers and Sisters of Christian faith and Unification faith. The time
has come to put the past last few painful years of wandering and being under
false leadership behind us. It is time to unite with Hyung Jin Moon and Yeonah
Moon. They represent True Parents on Earth. However, they need your help!
and Sisters! There is no higher task than that of restoration. We can again
engage in the Providence of Restoration.
Pyeong has to stop. There is no need. There is no necessity for ancestor
liberation ceremonies. There is no need for Ansu. There is no need for
donations to buy land or houses in the spiritual realm. This is a fallacy and
it is a direct violation of the Divine Principle.
did I allow it during my life on Earth? That is a really good question,
Brothers and Sisters. I am actually scratching my head on that one. My best
explanation is that I had to trust. I trusted Mother. I trusted Kim Hyo Nam.
However, it is upon seeing everything 100% crystal clear in the spiritual realm, that it is obvious that donations do not buy any salvation. There are no houses
in the spiritual world to be purchased. Your house or dwelling in the spiritual
world depends on your heart of love and charity, the depth of your love, not
the depth of your money pocketbook.
Please understand that I have deeply repented to
God, Hananim, that I allowed the Cheong Pyeong providence to take place under
my watch.
is Rev. Sun Myung Moon
and Sisters of Unification faith! How do I prove it to you that I am visiting a
humble writer with a pen? How do I prove to you that it is, I, Sun Myung Moon?
I know many of you will doubt. Many of you will say how can, True Parents be
fallible. Did Father not know that Cheong Pyeong providence was going the wrong
way and that Mother has now come under a false teacher named Kim Hyo Nam? How
is that possible? This is most shocking and most outlandish! How? And why? How
could God allow such a miserable detour in His Providence?
think and pray deeply while at the same time reflecting on the absolutely
central concept of the Divine Principle and the Bible.
answer is human responsibility, that alone only, nothing else.
Father fail his human responsibility? No, he did not. Could he have been more
"awake at the wheel?" Yes, Brothers and Sisters. I did fishing conditions; I set
long arduous conditions to God. It appeared that Mother and Mrs. Hong, Dae Mo
Nim, were on an incredible autopilot. However, I went wrong in trusting them.
can you prove this message is from Sun Myung Moon, the returning Messiah, who
accomplished Jesus' mission?
You can. Ask God, Hananim. Do a seven day fast. Do
a three day fast. Do a one day fast. Whatever you can considering your health.
I will appear to you, Brothers and Sisters. I will appear to you in your
dreams, in your visions and in your prayer. This is my promise to you. I will
prove it to you. I make a pledge to you. There is nothing more important than
Restoration of God's Children after the Fall.
would I stop now, even though I am in the spiritual realm?
I am working three
times harder. I do not even have to sleep three hours per day. I do not have to
sleep at all. In addition, I can be in three or more places at once. Do not ask
me to explain how that works, but it does.
address is Newfoundland, Pennsylvania. I sit at the back of the Sanctuary
Church in Pennsylvania every Sunday. I hang around with Kook Jin Nim and his
wife, and as much as I hang around with Hyung Jin 24/7.
I am
also guiding Yeon Ah Nim.
want to give precious dear words to the woman Yeonah Lee Moon.
transcriber begins to weep and cannot write for c. 20-30 seconds.]
Letter to Yeon Ah Lee Moon.
and Sisters, this is my letter to Yeon Ah Lee Moon.
I am
speaking and writing to her that she can have strength. So that, she will
not be dissuaded by any persecution that may come.
Yeon Ah
Lee Moon, you have set the condition in front of all Heaven and Earth on Sunday
of April 26, 2015, last Sunday circa 12:30 PM or so, when you spoke and gave a
dear Child, you are crowned and have been bequeathed the duty and
responsibility of True Mother's role on Earth and in Heaven. This was done on
Sunday, April 26, 2015.
Yeon Ah,
you have a great responsibility. You have the most beautiful heart. You
are fully qualified. I honor you and I praise the woman Yeon Ah Lee
Moon. You will bring peace and protection to all mankind by your heart,
devotion and loyalty. I honor and I thank you.
Savior, Sun Myung Moon
of Letter to Yeon Ah Lee Moon.]
brothers and sisters,
Lee Moon needs to be honored and respected. She has come to her
role. Please place her picture on your prayer altar with Hyung Jin's
couple's picture.
and Sisters of Unification faith. I know this is hard for you to believe. I
know it is not easy. I know it even hurts. Please accept that Hak Jan Han
fulfilled her role. Time has come for new representative for True
above is a Declaration of Sun Myung Moon, on April 28, 2015.
Myung Moon
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