Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Sun Myung Moon, Message 4

May 8, 2015

Message to all providential organizations' leaders, to all members of unification faith and all inhabitants of the physical realm and the spiritual realm. This message needs to be proclaimed to all.
[May 8, 2015 11:30 am Est - end of transcribing: 12:27 pm]
Hello again my dearest Child, (Message to the transcriber: It is True Father writing and putting down a message once again. Please do not be discouraged by the faithlessness of any person, be it a Brother or a Sister, near or far. You have done your responsibility 100% completely and adequately to pass on the messages that I have encouraged to be brought forth from the Invisible Substantial World to encourage all Brothers and Sisters and all faithful people, especially Christian people, to heed and to understand.)
This is Rev. Sun Myung Moon. I am the returning Lord who accomplished Jesus' mission and completed the Providence of Restoration on my part as the One that was chosen by God, Hananim, to advance the Providence of Restoration to the final point. I did exactly that. The Providence was completed by the historical establishment of the True Parents on Earth.  It was done 100%. There is no denying that True Parents were established, fully and completely. This can never be erased. This can never be deleted or changed away. This accomplishment remains forever. It is sealed. It is certified. It is validated by God, Hananim. By Jesus. By all saints and sages of History.
When you arrive in the spiritual world, you my Brothers and Sisters on Earth, you will see and you will know. True Parents' form exists in the highest. God can appear through the True Parents' form in the spiritual world as a visible manifestation of God.
It is somewhat complicated to understand, but once you enter the spiritual world, it is very natural to understand.
People of all faiths, people of God. Please heed the message I am proclaiming hereby and henceforth.
The True Parents' role, position and authority was established on Earth and in Heaven. This was done by the cooperation and collaboration of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han. This is a historical fact. The True Parents' eternal position was accomplished. Nobody can ever redact or deny this reality.
However, it must be made abundantly understood and clear that, I, the Messiah, the returning Lord, Rev. Sun Myung Moon chose my spouse. She did not choose me. I chose her. I raised her. I taught her. I nurtured her. I made her do conditions of indemnity to restore the failure of Eve that had led to the Fall of Adam and Eve, which of course was preceded by the failure of Eve. Hak Ja Han paid the price for Eve's failure. She paid it, and True Parents were established as the result.
However, and I want to stress this realization, clarification, and thorough explanation to the fullest and utmost degree, that Hak Ja Han had FURTHER responsibilities than only to restore the failure of Eve. She had the responsibility of maintaining the lineage of God that she was providing the feminine object partner position foundation for. She was required to uphold the lineage. She was supposed to glorify me, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and my lineage and seed. Nevertheless, she did not.
She put her own seed above mine. She said Han is higher than Moon.
This is a sin. This is a transgression.
This is the Spiritual Fall revisited.
The Eve, who restored Eve, became a fallen Eve again.
How is this even conceivable? How is this possible? Is Hak Ja Han not "perfect?" Is Hak Ja Han not the "True Mother?" Is Hak Ja Han not "One with God?" Is Hak Ja Han not infallible? Is Hak Ja Han not the sinless Eve?
No, she is not.
Hak Ja Han still has and has had her 5% human responsibility. No one and nothing can remove her 5% responsibility away from her. Even if she sets conditions of offerings to ancestor spirits, and gives comforting words to members, it does not do away her own individual human responsibility that she still has had in her role in the True Mother's position. It does not negate that she must uphold True Father's and Sun Myung Moon's seed and lineage. Hak Ja Han must do, and should have always done, everything in her power to uphold the lineage of God, which is the lineage from the seed of the Messiah, the returning Lord. Not her seed, the egg, but the seed, the sperm, the masculine subject partner lineage.
It was her duty and mission. Nevertheless, she has now tragically failed.
Is this hard to understand?
It has to be proclaimed now to all of cosmos. I hereby proclaim, and I state without any hesitation or equivocation that Hak Ja Han is removed hereby from the "True Mother" position.
She currently remains as my wife, legally (on paper), but I will personally need to proceed to deal with personal and legal ramifications of the above statement.
It must be therefore proclaimed hereby that, I, Sun Myung Moon, the returning Lord, the Lord of the Second Advent have instituted Yeonah Lee Moon, initially in a proxy position in a True Mother's role.
That period has now passed.
On April 26, 2015, the woman Yeonah Lee Moon was crowned and bequeathed the full responsibility of True Mother on Earth and in Heaven.
All of History, all of the Spiritual World and the Physical World, Heaven and Earth, were the witness.
God (who has a Subject partner and an Object partner relationship of masculine and feminine counter parts) and the Universal Prime Force, sealed, certified and validated this on April 26, 2015.
I, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, am the returning Lord and the Messiah. I crowned an Inheritor, Heir and Successor who is Hyung Jin Moon.
Because Hak Ja Han (of Moon relations originally, of my marriage to her) performed a dereliction of duty, a breach of duty, a breach of covenant and a breach of responsibility, she has been removed from her previous role of True Mother's position.
The world should not be without a living person who can fulfil the duties of the True Mother. If such a person appears, it is my solemn duty and my solemn responsibility, I, Sun Myung Moon, the returning Messiah who accomplished Jesus' mission, to search far and wide to rectify this historical breach and to find a solution to this calamity.
God had prepared another woman. There was no certainty that she would ever be proclaimed as a new True Mother or ever needed to be proclaimed to be so.
But Heavenly Father always prepares a backup plan. He always has a contingency plan.
Through her Pledge and Proclamation on April 26, 2015, the woman Yeonah Lee Moon fulfilled the required condition of reversing the failure of Hak Ja Han.
You, all inhabitants of the Earth and Heaven–must acknowledge this historical fact.
Whether or not you are willing to accept this now does not change what was established by God and the Universal Prime Force. But of course, it will bring joy to Heavenly Father, if you–persons who have your own 5% individual responsibility–acknowledge this historical fact.
There is a new True Mother person on Earth.
Her name is Yeonah Lee Moon.
My son Hyung Jin Moon is not the Messiah. However, Yeonah Lee Moon IS the new True Mother on Earth. It did not need to come to be like this at this hour. However, it has come to be like this at this hour.
[End of Proclamation.]
[Message to Brothers and Sisters.]
My brothers and sisters,
Please understand how important Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Lee Moon are in God's Providence.
Please pray.
Please fast.
Please set conditions to understand.
Do not be dissuaded by negative forces that want you to disbelieve what is true and what is right.
If Hak Ja Han fell spiritually by colluding to steal my lineage with her spiritual "lover" and confidante Kim Hyo Nam, what do you suggest I would do and should do?
I did the only thing I must do, claim my lineage back by reinstituting a True Mother who is obedient to my lineage.
Amen and Aju.
Your Savior, Sun Myung Moon

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