Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Sun Myung Moon Message [2]

Hello again my dear child
The Blessing has returned to the Earth.
A Victory is established.
A cosmic event.
A noteworthy accomplishment for the inhabitants of Earth, Heaven and Cosmos.
[April 22, 2015 10:10 am Est - end of transcribing: 10:35 am]
Today we rejoice. Today we dance. Today we celebrate. Today we shout three Eog Mansei.
My dear Unification children, all members of all Providential organizations and those who have taken a leave-of-absence due to lack of development of the Providence to fit their talents, aspirations and unique abilities.
Your time has come!
Your time is here!
We have a new foundation on Earth.
We have a new building block, a new Sanctuary and a new beginning.
All past is past.
All failures of human history are now lowered to a state of lesser meaning. A state of demotion. A state of unworthiness and the state of meaninglessness.
Finally after so many years a new threshold has been reached. God was weeping. So much. So much uncertainty. So much pain and Han. So much even, fear for the future of His Children because there was no more faith on Earth.
"Will He find faith on Earth?" states the Bible passage. [Luke 18:8] The answer is a resounding "Yes".
The Sanctuary Church is small now and appears insignificant to the external observer, but the foundation and the impact is enormous. Earth shattering. Heaven is completely behind Sanctuary Church.
How long will it take, until all brothers and sisters of Unification faith and family will see the Light?
Please, I beseech you, place the picture or Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim on your prayer altar.
They have the power and the full authority of True Parents because I bequeathed it to Hyung Jin Nim. They effectuate the mission of True Parents, now and until they someday will depart to the eternal world themselves. However, many glorious years await of people discovering the Divine Principle, the Original Principle and the Divine Providence.
What I am about to state and proclaim and to say hereby cannot be denied by any authority.
Please understand that I bequeathed my FULL authority to Hyung Jin Nim.
  • If Hak Ja Han goes against Hyung Jin Nim, who prevails in the Heavenly order? Hyung Jin Nim.
  • If Kim Hyo Nam goes against Hyung Jin Nim, who prevails in the Heavenly order? Hyung Jin Nim.
  • If Young Hwi Kim goes against my son Kook Jin Nim, who prevails in the Heavenly order? The couple of Hyung Jin Nim and the older brother who is completely and utterly united with Hyung Jin Nim.
There must be no doubt in the mind of any member, and I proclaim it to Earth, Heaven and the Cosmos:
Hyung Jin Nim is my Heir.
Hyung Jin Nim is my Full inheritor.
All assets and all church properties MUST, be transferred conveyed and brought under management of Hyung Jin Nim, and the entity he controls known as the Sanctuary Church. Did I not say he is the Heir?
Did I not say he is the Heir of the absolute Command Center? The Command Center. Not some appointment of work–No.
  • The heir. 
  • The inheritor. 
  • The representative. 
  • The successor.
Hak Ja Han must humble herself to Hyung Jin Nim and she can have a role in God's Providence.
Kim Hyo Nam must pay for her enormous transgressions against God, humanity and history.
I did not follow completely the Cheong Pyeong Providence fully. I bear some blame. I repent to Heaven. I do not need to. However, I am setting the condition of repentance myself. I am setting the example of faith and love even now.

My Children! I know you do know I died many times over. I bled. I cried tears. I shed my blood, sweat and tears. It was so hard to lead the Providence of God. I almost went mad under the pressure, but my prayer sustained me and I kept my sanity. Although in my old age I spoke very freely and not as structured but still in full mental competence to my last breath.

My Children. Please attend Hyung Jin Nim's couple. Place their picture in your homes. Do bows when needed.

My Children. I beseech you. I beg you with my heart and my love.

Please share this message.

Your Savior, Sun Myung Moon

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