Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Sun Myung Moon Message [1]

A Message to Unification people, all members of all providential organizations, all such persons known as True Children, all inhabitants of Earth and the Spirit Realm.
[April 17, 2015, 10:29 am Est - end of transcribing: 12:06 pm]
You have come to witness a historical shift
This message must be, and I state again, absolutely must be proclaimed to all who have any relationship to me, Sun Myung Moon, the Alpha and Omega in the world of Principle and the world of the spirit.
I am the King of Kings. I am the Lord of the Second Advent. I am the Ruler of All, because of my humble and serious and utmost sincerity of heart to God and Jesus, the Lord of Lords, who called me when I was a young boy only searching for the way to alleviate the suffering of all humanity, and to understand the suffering of Hananim, God, the Creator, who is responsible for all goodness, all beauty and knowledge. He only has the authority to choose who represents him fully on Earth to carry forward the Providence of God.
I trusted the woman Hak Ja Han fully. I gave her all the required position. I knew there was a risk nevertheless. I knew that usurpation, taking unlawfully what is not to be taken, can take place any time. I had no choice but to trust? Did I have a choice? I picked several women. All women were equally qualified. I state again, all equally qualified. Each woman was prepared by God directly. This cannot be denied.
Korea, the land that God prepared, had prepared and produced so many providentially significant persons that we don't collectively even know about. However, Hak Ja Han was one of the very important individuals God indeed had prepared and guided through her mother, relatives and people around her.
However, she was not the only one God has prepared. God always has a plan to move the Providence forward in the case of human failure.
Hak Ja Han did not 100% attain Direct Dominion under God. I am sorry to report to people of Unification faith this shocking information. I had to trust her nevertheless. I could not go and select another Eve. However, Hak Ja Han was very close to God throughout her course and she served me with full obedience and loyalty. For that all humankind needs to be grateful for and acknowledge her many accomplishments.
Eve in the Garden also achieved closeness to God. To a very close level through the excellent guidance of angels. She had come so incredibly close.
She trusted Lucifer so much. There was absolutely nothing that she doubted what Lucifer told her. How could she? Such an innocent beautiful child! The most precious Eve.
We have to absolutely realize and acknowledge a parallel in human history. A parallel that can still at this late hour of the Providence, take place. An unfortunate passage of events. So deeply unfortunate. But, I, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon must make it so that the Providence of God, does not fail due to human failure. The Providence of God has a way of continuing. Look at the history of Christianity! How many twists and turns were required for an originally non-Christian farm boy to meet Jesus face to face on a barren hill in a barren country of Choson?
People of the Unification faith! Please heed this message! Pray! Fast! Repent!
And start anew.
Start by obeying the Heir and Inheritor couple I anointed.
I anointed an Inheritor. I appointed an Heir. I did not want to actually. I wanted restoration to be completed before I transitioned to the Spirit World on that glorious day of passing. And I thank Hak Ja Han for a proper funeral, but that is all I can thank her for anymore.
A point of remorse has been crossed. A point of han. A point of breakage. A point of starting anew.
A new Eve must be found to stand in the proxy position. A replacement has to be found.
I can see that Hak Ja Han and Kim Hyo Nam who is in the archangelic Lucifer position will not repent to me. They are colluding to steal through theft and deception my precious foundation and Words I carefully spoke.
This cannot stand
This cannot be accepted by Unification members. This is too important to have not go addressed by me, Sun Myung Moon, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Subject in True Parents, the King of Kings who fulfilled Jesus' mission that Jesus could not complete.
I must make a Declaration.
Declaration to Heaven and Earth
[Transcriber's note: At this point the person (transcriber) who is writing this down with a pen on paper is overcome with deep emotion and begins to cry before writing the following words.]
1. The Sanctuary Church, operating in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, is the final and completed Unification Church entity.
All assets related to my ministry, be it church related or business related absolutely must be legally, and titles transferred legally and ownership transferred to Sanctuary Church to be managed by Hyung Jin Moon and his wife Yeon Ah and assisted loyally by Kook Jin Moon.
This is the Proclamation of True Parents and the Proclamation of Sun Myung Moon, the Subject of True Parents. This is the absolute direction.
2. Mr. Kamiyama, You must obey. Rev. Kwak, You must obey. Kim Hyo Nam, You must pay for your crimes through the Korean legal system and then repent to me. Hak Ja Han, You must repent to me. Michael Balcomb, You are relieved from your position. You must repent and work under Dr. Panzer. Peter Kim, My most excellent servant, you must serve loyally under Hyung-Jin and Kook-Jin.
And, Bo Hi Pak, With whatever energy you still have, before you pass to spirit realm, you must tour the world again and testify to the Three Crowning Ceremonies and that Hyung Jin Moon is the inheritor and heir. Along with his wife Yeonah, they are effectuating the True Parents' mission on Earth to continue to build the Kingdom of God on Earth. They stand as a proxy to True Parents. They are not True Parents. But they stand as a Representative and Heir of the position of True Parents. Young Hwi Kim, You must repent and give up your property to Sanctuary Church.
3. To all members
There is a difference between the Absolute Position of True Parents and the Position I bestowed upon Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim.
They carry on my work. They do the work in the physical body. They are not True Parents in the absolute position. However, from now on they represent the position of True Parents to all people of the world.
True Parents' photo must be displayed now under the picture of Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim.
This is my proclamation. With my sincerest and deepest prayer. 
Sun Myung Moon
[End of transcribing: 11:19 AM, April 17, 2015]
April 17, 2015, Friday, 11:56 AM EST
I want to follow up just briefly.
I do not usually need follow-up. I speak adequately when I speak.
This is to be declared
There must be a new Eve
We have crossed the point of no return. How can we find a new Eve? This is an unprecedented situation. There is no historical precedent.
How is God going to open a way to the deal with the breach? There has been a usurpation.
How is God, the Heavenly Parent of All, going to deal with this situation? This is completely uncharted history.
But there must be a way
The Cheong Pyeong Palace should be changed. Somehow destroyed or eradicated. It is a Palace of pain. The Palace is not God. The Palace is not the Spiritual World. The Palace is a warehouse and a museum.
I want to let the people of the Unification faith know that I do not love the Palace anymore.
The Palace is not where I live. I live in Sanctuary Church, Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, my new headquarters.
People should remember that God is a spirit. I am not tied to one physical location. I prefer the small humble Newfoundland location.
Please pass this small additional message to Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim.
I love them dearly.
They are my representatives.
They are my hope.
They are the future of faith.
The future of hope.
The future of charity.
The future of love.
The future of goodness.
The future of grace.
The future of true love.
Please pass this to them. I know that the time is right.
Your Savior, Sun Myung Moon

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