January 11, 2016
I had the following exchange in writing prior to taking down this
transcriber, my son, this is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the returning Lord,
herein. Thank you for your extended writing session today. I have more content
to share and I hope you can have energy to proceed.”
note: I have chosen one sentence from this message to be the title.
did everything on behalf of True Parents.
is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the returning Messiah who accomplished Jesus’
mission fully and completely.
and myself are one. We are quite inseparable today. It is really hard to
explain. Maybe some day there will be enough time to do that, but suffice to
say, that God worked tirelessly to bring Jesus to mankind. He was not a mere
teacher. He was not a mere mortal. He was not just another man. He was Christ.
He was the Messiah. He was the “Anointed One.” He was the fruit of all human
history. Dear Brothers and Sisters. Do not discard Jesus. You are nothing
without Jesus. You have no value without Jesus. Jesus is the Lord. That is a
simple fact. You cannot go around that fact. If you come to the spiritual world
you will know Jesus is the Lord.
what does that then make me? Am I equally the Lord? Is your head spinning yet?
How can I be equally the Lord? How can there be two Lords? Isn’t that a direct
contradiction? There can’t be two Lords, can there? The answer is simple, Jesus
and myself we do not fight. We do not have a different opinion. We do not
disagree. We agree fully. But the reality is that God is the King. God is the
Ruler. God is the Savior. God is the Defender. He uses us as his form and
his vehicle.
was never meant to be a Second Coming. But there had to be, because Satan was
able to destroy Jesus’ physical body. The tragedy of tragedies to took place.
But like a phoenix from the ashes of destruction, Jesus’ undying love and
spirit brought an unimaginable victory beyond measure, and we are all under
God’s protection when we accept Jesus. So, Brothers and Sisters, please accept
Jesus. But, it is still necessary to know, that at the time of the Second
Coming complete physical salvation becomes possible. This is the reason why
Jesus appreciates me, the Lord of the Second Advent. I brought the Holy Wine
and the change of the blood lineage that allows people to permanently severe
the tie to the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Luciferian bloodline.
if you as a Christian have not yet understood the value of the Holy Wine and
the value of the Blessing covenant, now is the time to become educated and
engraft to the lineage of God and escape from the clutches of Satan, by
exchanging the fallen lineage to the true lineage that originates with God’s
must be now explained that a dereliction of duty has 100% taken place in my family
on earth. The woman Han Hak Ja, who once held the position of True Mother of
heaven, earth and humankind, has betrayed me completely.
is an irreversible betrayal on her part and she cannot indemnify this betrayal.
The betrayal is beyond her ability to indemnify. It is a cosmic level betrayal
not far off from that of the premature death of Jesus on the cross.
have set the conditions during my life on earth and subsequently from the
spiritual world to deal with this betrayal.
my life on earth I saw the hatred in her heart. I thus instituted an heir and a
successor according to the Will of God on April 18, 2008 when I instituted the
heir and the successor Hyung Jin Moon. This man is my son. He is not just any
Korean leader.
must restate: he is my son. I had to institute an heir anyway. But I
instituted a remarkable man, who completely understood me. I am still weeping
in gratitude for this son that God gave me. He gave me many. But this son
completely surprised me. He just understood me like nobody did. I knew that in
the hands of this son the providence would continue on the right path and to
greater victories.
my life has meaning on the level of inheritance
should also clearly know that I am also very thankful to my son Kook Jin who
accomplished Cain and Abel unity and who supports my son Hyung Jin 100%.
Jin has proven my choice correct. He has embraced the mission I gave to him to
do “everything on behalf of True Parents.” Please note that there is nothing
that Han Hak Ja was required to do after I passed, except to accept and unite
with the new True King. It could have been easy. But she had too much
resentment and hatred, which I saw and hoped it would not come to an inevitable
usurpation of my son’s role and position. My little hope was futile. She did
not honor my will and now a judgment must come.
what remains the responsibility of all people of the earth today?
is the same when I was alive on earth. To unite with and follow God’s
representative who has the True Parents’ position on earth. Today Hyung Jin
Moon, has the responsibility, authority and position of the True Parent on
earth, and the responsibility, authority and position of the True Parents on
earth. Hyung Jin Moon with this wife Yeonah Lee Moon stand not only in a proxy
position of True Parents, but they stand in the actual position of True Parents.
have no choice in the matter, because Han mother has vacated the position of
True Mother due to her betrayal. Of course I cannot force my son to embrace
that fearsome and heavy position, but he has. He went to the wilderness. He
struggled like Buddha to accept a mission, or more like Jesus who had to come
terms with his heavy burden. Then Hyung Jin accepted. Now it is your
turn to accept that he accepted.
is important to note the Hyung Jin Moon is not the Messiah. Don’t be fooled by
the pomp that his role requires sometimes. But because I asked him to do
“everything on behalf of True Parents” it requires robes, crowns and pomp. It
is just the way it is. I know he would rather be in the wilderness with the
deer and the beasts. But he accepted. Now it is your turn to accept
that he accepted.
must restate again: now it is your turn to accept that he accepted.
is a Blessing Ceremony on February 13, 2016. I cannot overstate how important
it is for all Unification members to participate. I call all people of all
walks of life to attend in this historic event that marks a demarcation point
and a cut-off date.
Unification Church and the Family Federation have no other recourse but to fade
away and become a sacrificial tragic offering on the altar of human history.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, please jump off the sinking ship. Please
return back to my authority by taking the Holy Wine offered by the son who
accepted to do everything on behalf of True Parents.
Han mother strayed, he did everything on behalf of True Parents. When Korean
leaders kept stealing money, he took none, and he did everything on behalf of
True Parents. When fake ancestor liberations were performed he put down his
foot and said “no more” and he did everything on behalf of True Parents. When
nearly all of his own brothers sisters preferred to stay on the gravy train for
the sake of luxury, he refused, and he did everything on behalf of True
Parents. When my precious words were being desecrated and altered, he refused,
and he did everything on behalf of True Parents. When only 10 people in rural
Pennsylvania were listening him, he had faith to carry on and pressed on, and
he did everything on behalf of True Parents.
now it is your turn to accept that he accepted to do everything on behalf of
True Parents.
you followed True Parents for 30 years or 40 years, please join him to do everything
on behalf of True Parents.
and Aju.
beseech that the three messages shared today–two from myself, the Rev. Sun
Myung Moon, and one from Jesus of Nazareth–are to be passed on to all.
the name of God and True Parents, I report and attest that these words stated
above in the messages are to be passed on to all.
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