January 11, 2016
The Pentecost is a personal Pentecost
[Transcribers note: I had the following
exchange in writing prior to taking down this message.]
Comment by the writer:
"Father, I know that you have
requested to write down something, so I am humbly offering this time."
"Dear son, yes, there is much to
write about. So let us begin."
[Transcribers note: I have chosen one
sentence from this message to be the title.]
The Pentecost is a personal Pentecost
This is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon writing
herein through the thought transference process through the hands of the
transcriber, who is humbly offering his time to allow much needed sharing to
take place.
I am the Alpha and Omega in the world of
the spirit and the world of the Principle. I am of the same essence as Jesus
and God. We share an inseparable bond that was strong enough to severe the
bonds of the Fall of the original human ancestors through the fulfilment of human
responsibility that was concluded in my life and so dearly commenced by Jesus
though his precious life among the Jews.
I brought total and complete victory of
human responsibility through my life of 92 years on earth. I accomplished
everything that God asked and required through the essence that was in me since
my birth, and through the fact that I was also human with human responsibility
to fulfil as the Messiah who must come as a man, and live as a man and perform
the duties of a man and a King.
In my lifetime, I wanted to build a nation
that is a physical nation. This is also, what Jesus desired.
A Kingdom must be built. But those around
me and those around Jesus, did not properly fulfil their missions and thus
there were so many opportunities lost, and so much delay in the Providence of
God to this day.
Why does there need to be a Kingdom? Why
not a democracy? Because a democracy is a rule by popularity. In a kingdom,
there is a rule by the representative of God and that makes all the difference
to the citizens. Citizens do not derive their rights from a voting box and but
the everlasting God and His Truths. This is why there has to be a constitution
of the Kingdom of Heaven that is based on the notion and reality of a King that
is of the lineage of God and a representative of the lineage of God.
I brought the Lineage of God to this
Jesus desperately wanted to do that, but
the forces of satanic powers killed him and his life was cut short.
Jesus was so pure. He was so ready to be
the King and rule over the nation righteously, but there was not enough
foundation because of the faithlessness of the high priests, particularly
Zachariah, and also because of faithlessness of John the Baptist. All this is
clearly explained in the Divine Principle that I discovered from reading of the
Bible and countless encounters with Jesus, saints and God in the spiritual
world in my youth.
So why am I writing again? Did I not leave
enough words for humankind? I said that might reveal more from the spiritual
world. I said that clearly. I gave that prophecy in case the circumstances
warrant such. The circumstances now require that I give additional words to
those who have ears to hear and who have their hearts and minds open because
they allow the spirit of God to dwell in their minds.
I am the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. If you have
doubts about if it is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon putting down words, you must pray
about it deeply. You must fast to ask. You must set a condition to God and it
will be with 100% certainty answered to you whether these words originate from
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon or some other source not qualified to be the source of
these words.
(The transcriber, whom I have requested to
keep his name low and identity low, in order to allow the focus to be on the
messages and words themselves, is doing a commendable job in being a very clear
conduit without allowing his ego or own thoughts to interfere at all.)
Yes, I have something very critically
important that I must explain and share from the spiritual world.
It has to do with the Pentecost.
What is the Pentecost? It took place of
course at time of the Jesus, when he appeared to his disciples after his
resurrection event. However, what is the Pentecost that is prophesized in the
Bible to take place in the last days?
The Pentecost has been gradual ever since
the original event took place.
God had to bring the words of truth to
humankind first. That happened through the publication of the Bible in common
languages, and then the teaching of the Divine Principle and the Original
Substance of the Divine Principle (OSDP). Then my life on earth that I spent
the majority of my public life in teaching, concluded. However, where is the
much-awaited Pentecost? Why do not we see the Pentecost?
If you study the Bible, it is logical to
conclude that it should take place again.
I must now explain that the Pentecost is a
personal Pentecost.
It will not be as flashy and “explosive”
as many believers think it is. It is even a quiet event in one’s own life. It
may not, and correctly so, happen in large events or in events at all
necessarily, but it will happen person by person, and from moment to moment.
Every man, woman and child must come to
the direct dominion of God.
Once you achieve moments or continued
co-existence in the direct dominion of God, you are experiencing the personal
Pentecost. The goal of human history is for all people to live in the direct
dominion of God.
You may taste the taste of fruit. You may
smell the most beautiful fragrance of heaven. You may receive words of wisdom,
aurally in your mind’s ear, in writing physically on writing media, or utter
sentences from heaven. These are events of the personal Pentecost.
Is it wrong to experience the Holy Spirit
of the most High God this way? We were taught for years that to be spiritually
“open” or spiritually receiving the “gifts of the Spirit,” and taught so by
Korean, Japanese and western lecturers, was dangerous, or undesirable. Yes,
this might have been a case in certain part of the course of restoration for
each person, but there comes a time in the life of each person when one must,
and I state again, one must learn to live with God in fullness and the
inevitable by-product is one’s spiritual senses opening up. Is it not the goal
of the Providence of God that, each person lives in complete oneness with God?
100% oneness? Yes, we must anoint our “shield of Faith” daily as Apostle Paul
puts it (in Ephesians 6:16), and we must be aware that living in the fullness
of God is the end goal and the daily goal equally. Thus, to receive the “gifts
of the Spirit” and as my dearest son Hyung Jin Moon so aptly under my direct
tutelage, guidance and oneness with my heart, recently has been emphasizing, is
so important and very desirable.
Yes, if you receive “gifts of the Spirit,”
then do verify with the Word to see, if your gift is from God and the Holy
Spirit, or some other source that works against God and the Holy Spirit.
Pray and verify. We are not that stupid
that we cannot verify. Are you not also the children of God, and not only the
children of the fallen Adam and Eve’s lineage? If you were only the product of
the fall and not have a trace of God’s original nature, there would be no hope
for restoration.
Everyone from the beginning of time has
been in the midway position between good and evil and God and Satan. Even the
“True Children” and second generation Blessed children, and third and fourth
generation, also still exist in the midway position because the world is full
of evil and the environment is full of evil. Thus, even they have personal sin
that has to be overcome because they have been influenced by the environment to
commit various sinful actions or thoughts. However, this does not negate the
fact that everyone can return fully to God. Everyone.
(Even Rev. Kwak, who betrayed me most
egregiously, and I mention him by name because he is at the same level as Judas
Iscariot, or at least very close, by stealing half of the physical foundation I
created on earth to build God’s nation. Judas caused Jesus’ physical body to be
taken. My physical foundation on earth was earned through the blood, sweat and
tears of countless hard working faithful members who were united with me in
Everyone can return to God. It does not
matter how severe a sinner you are or have been. It does not matter, if you
betrayed the Lord of the Second Advent after he passed to the spiritual world
by promulgating the Han mother heresy that she is the Lord of the Second Advent
and the Only Begotten Daughter (whatever that means), or if you stole money or
property, or abused the dear members in Japan or other countries.
You can return to God. You can return to
me. You can return to Jesus. You can inherit and experience the Holy Spirit in
your life. Why did I name the foundation on earth I used in order to build the
foundation to receive the Messiah, the Holy Spirit Association (for the
Unification of World Christianity)? It is because we must, and every single
person must, receive the Holy Spirit directly.
We have not yet received the Holy Spirit
enough in our lives. This is simple fact that I can see from the spiritual
I tried all I can to accomplish that.
However, Peter Kim, Kim Hyo Nam and the 36 Blessed couples they all stood in
the way. Rev. Kwak stood in the way. Even Mr. Kamiyama stood in the way. But
they, and many others, who transgressed nearly equally (and I had so much hope
in Bo Hi Pak, but even he transgressed too much), did not know how to conduct
themselves. They were too Korean, and what I mean that there is 5,000-year
Korean history that got in the way.
I wish some western people would have been
in the 36 Blessed couples and every single one of my children to have an
international marriage, and the world would have been so different because
different leadership would have emerged. However, you know all the Unification
Church history. The Korean Christians rejected the returning Lord so severely.
I could not find even my disciples in Pyongyang. They all left me. My heart was
so broken. Nevertheless, I never gave up.
God sent me people and I worked with them.
I worked with the people God found for me. They were the only ones I could work
with, but the fact remains that so many did not overcome their fallen natures
and much mismanagement took place. I always had to read in between the lines of
every report any leader gave me. I never got an honest report. (Maybe from Joon
Ho Seuk, who was an exception, but even he went the wrong way in the end).
My heart was broken over and over. Why was
I yelling at them all the time at the end of my life? Because I became
frustrated with them for not keeping the Principle standard of honesty,
transparency and relationship with God. They substituted the relationship with
God, with faith in an invented hierarchy. What a disaster. However, I never
gave up.
I tried to shake them up all the time so
no entrenched hierarchy could remain. However, when I passed, my wife created
an ironclad hierarchy that will never change. That is the reason why the Family
Federation and the Unification Church must now fade away and disappear as an
entity. It served its purpose and after I passed it has been completely taken
over by selfish pitiful individuals that have nothing to do with God. People,
run away as fast as you can.
I created the Unification Sanctuary. I
guided my son Hyung Jin Moon to make a new foundation in the sub-zero
temperatures of eastern Pennsylvania. What else could I do? Should I trust my
son, or should I trust Peter Kim, or Kim Hyo Nam? If you think I should trust
anyone else but who is my direct bloodline, you are out of your mind. Do not
underestimate my ability to read human character. I said there is no one more
qualified the Hyung Jin Moon and I meant it. I mean what I say.
So in light of the above, why then should
we experience the Holy Spirit? It is because I meant all people, every man,
woman and child to experience the Holy Spirit. Restoration should have advanced
tremendously in the 1960’s but it did not due the failures of the Korean people
and the first “Only Begotten Daughter” person, my first wife. By the way, I
never wanted to use that term because it is unbiblical, but I stated it herein,
to make the point that Han Hak Ja is not to any degree more the “Only Begotten
Daughter” than the queen of England or Eve in the garden. All women are the
same. They are the daughters of the Archangel. They are begotten to the
Archangel through their blood relationship with the Archangel. They are not
“only begotten” to God in any way. They are begotten and tied in the bloodline
to Lucifer, the original ancestor to all fallen Eves because they are all from
their “father the Devil” (John 8:44) as Jesus stated clearly.
So why do women especially, and men of
course, need to experience the Holy Spirit in every conceivable way? Why should
we now become “spiritual?” It is because I was able to live my life 100% in the
spiritual world and 100% in the physical world at the same time. I was able
“walk and chew gum” at the same time, to borrow an idiom from the English
vernacular. Is it better to live with God 100% at the same time when you are
doing everything else that life demands? Of course, it is better.
If your receive information from Saint
Paul, is that wrong? If you receive information from Emmanuel Swedenborg (whose
life’s work and writings I regard highly now and did so during my life on
earth), is that wrong? If you receive a dream from me, or words from me or from
God the Father is that wrong? Of course not.
You are the mediator between the physical
world and the spiritual world. You, each of you, need to be come
super-heightened spiritually. You should be able to converse with the Saints.
You should see the Saints like many in Sanctuary Church services do. This is
normal. This is the norm. This is the goal. This is God’s Direct Dominion.
You are not alone.
I must bring attention to the beautiful
song “I Am Not Alone” that Jesus sent from the spiritual world to the physical
world. Listen to the words of that song, my dearest sons and daughters.
The Pentecost is very personal. It is very
individual. It is inevitable. Embrace it. Accept it. Do not deny the desire of
God Almighty to live in you and to live with you every second of the day.
Yes, you need to study the Word. You need
to study the Principle, the Bible and the Words I have given. Nevertheless, you
also need to make sincere effort to be the vehicle of God’s Spirit. The
transmission device. The radio. The TV. The bicycle. The motorbike. The
motorboat. God’s arms and legs. He has no arms or legs; he needs yours.
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