Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Emmanuel Swedenborg

Good morning!
This is Emmanuel Swedenborg.
May 29, 2015, 10:02 am Est - end of transcribing: 11:02 am
I was a true Renaissance man in the most comprehensive sense. I wanted to restore John the Baptist's failure of not testifying to God and Jesus Christ properly. In my lifetime, that was my task.
I wanted to bring the complete Truth about the nature of the Universe to all Christian people so they will avoid Hell by living a Christ-like life and experience Divine Love.
Now we have a similar situation.
The so-called Family Federation [for World Peace and Unification] aka the Church, lead by Hak Ja Han, and Kim Hyo Nam of shamanistic rites and rituals, has failed.
There is an absolute necessity to acknowledge that when Hak Ja Han sits on the throne solely reserved for the Rev. Moon who accomplished Jesus' mission as the returning Lord, Hak Ja Han therefore has proclaimed that she is the Messiah.
Dear faithful members of the Family Federation aka the Unification Church. You are committing a grave error, if you allow this to take place. By what qualification did Hak Ja Han become the Messiah? What did she accomplish in the spiritual world and the physical world to establish her credentials? There is no such accomplishment. Hak Ja Han did not meet Jesus. Rev. Moon did. Hak Ja Han did not restore an Eve. Rev. Moon did. Hak Ja Han did not battle against the forces of Lucifer–Satan–who tried to kill the Messiah by repeated attempts. Only Rev. Sun Myung Moon accomplished the duties and the responsibilities of the returning Lord and the Messiah. This is unequivocal. There can be no confusion.
Jesus, we know from studying the Divine Principle, was to complete both spiritual and physical salvation. The physical salvation involved establishing his lineage on Earth by creating a True Family thus requiring him to find a wife. This may be hard for my Christian Brothers and Sisters to understand at first, but it makes complete sense. God wanted to restore the Fall of Adam and Eve completely, not only spiritually.
So, when we understand the Principle of Restoration, how can Eve be in the Adam position, all of a sudden? This is a grave and fundamental confusion. But the recent actions by Hak Ja Han have been deliberate and done on purpose. She has claimed the position of Adam and the position of Christ.
Who claims the position of Christ unlawfully? A person who is anti Christ. A person who is against Christ.
My Brothers and Sisters of Unification faith.
Please open your eyes and do not be deceived. You are being hoodwinked. You are being duped so severely. There cannot be two individuals sitting in the throne of the Messiah that is the right side throne in the True Parents' throne.
I have wept when I have witnessed the dereliction of duty I have witnessed recently.
But who am I compared to the Rev. Sun Myung Moon! I was just a John the Baptist who tried to prepare a foundation for the returning Messiah and did my best to write down the Truth about the spiritual world, especially in my book Divine Love and Wisdom. I only wanted every child, man and woman to be ready by not having false concepts, when the Messiah returns.
Brothers and Sisters.
I was gratified to have a learned woman who studied my writings write the definitive texts of the Unification Theology. Of course I am talking about the dear woman Young Oon Kim. Does she write that there will be a woman in the Christ's and the Messiah's position to take over at the final hour?
The Eve must follow and unite with Cain and Abel to be restored instead, so that the Eve can have hope for her restoration after her Fall.
Brothers and Sisters of faith.
Hak Ja Han has put herself in the position of God, the Christ and the Messiah. What did Lucifer tell Eve? That she "will be like God." [Genesis 3:5] So, there it is.
She has committed a fallen act. She has made herself to sit on the throne of God. In this respect, she has committed a spiritual fall of a significant nature. This is an extremely grave and serious matter. Those people who knowingly follow her after she has clearly committed a spiritual fall are also participating in the spiritual fall.
Brothers and Sisters! You cannot praise someone who is committing the spiritual fall! You should not hold celebratory events. Instead you must tell her that she is committing a wrong. For the sake of history, for the sake of your own future and for the sake of your own children, you must tell Hak Ja Han that she is committing an enormous wrongful act that is causing great destruction both spiritually and physically.
There is no equivocation. The Principle is 100% crystal clear. The spiritual world has an absolute order that simply depends on the heart development and faith development of each person.
What happens to Hak Ja Han, if she comes to the spiritual world in this state of having usurped the throne reserved for Christ? The fate is most fearsome and sad.
Brothers and Sisters! Please understand. This is Emmanuel Swedenborg writing with the pen of the humble transcriber who despite his busy schedule is writing this.
I, Emmanuel Swedenborg, understand the nature of the spiritual realm. I understood it before I transcended and passed over. I wrote so many books about it. Read them, if you have haven't! But do read the Cheon Seong Gyeong by Rev. Moon more!
What will happen to Hak Ja Han, if she does not repent?
Leaders, around her, please tell her to repent! To change and to come back to the duly anointed heir of Rev. Moon.
The Rev. Moon proclaimed a Successor who he wrote is his "representative body," writing in Korean "teshinja." He also wrote and stated that Hyung Jin Moon is the Heir of the Absolute Command Center. The meaning of this is simple. The person who commands has the authority to command.
I, Emmanuel Swedenborg, therefore beseech Hak Ja Han to return her son Hyung Jin Moon. It is not so difficult. Hyung Jin loves Hak Ja Han more than any person on the Earth. I can see that from the spiritual world. It is so evident. His love for his mother is so boundless. I have never really seen that in any son. It is hard to explain how someone can have so much love for their own mother. It is rather unusual to behold. I am so amazed.
But time is of the essence.
Hak Ja Han must come back and honor Hyung Jin Nim's couple that True Father crowned. Why does it have to be so hard?
Letter to Hak Ja Han
Dear Hak Ja Han,
This is Emmanuel Swedenborg. I beseech you to do the Will of your Father–God–Hananim. Please unite with the person who was given the True Parents' authority on Earth. That person is Hyung Jin Moon. Did you not read and witness the signature on the June 5th Declaration [*] that states that anyone who goes against him is a heretic and a destroyer? Dear Hak Ja Han, do you want to be a heretic and a destroyer?
I beseech you, come back and embrace your son who loves you.
Emmanuel Swedenborg, end of letter to Hak Ja Han
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I wrote the above heartfelt letter to Hak Ja Han to help her to save her soul. She is surrounded by darkness. The woman named Kim Hyo Nam has mesmerized Hak Ja Han and dominates her unduly. You must pray to break the spell of Kim Hyo Nam. Kim Hyo Nam is a shamanistic real estate agent. She is not a spiritualist. I, Emmanuel Swedenborg, am a spiritualist. Kim Hyo Nam is a fake, plastic, counterfeit imposter that has brought shame to all who do works in the spirit. She is an abomination.
Brothers and Sisters, we must pray for Hak Ja Han. We must pray that the spell can be broken. There is a way. She must realize before it is too late that she has gone the wrong way and has gravely wronged against her husband Sun Myung Moon.
In his boundless wisdom, Sun Myung Moon could "see the writing on the wall" and instituted a couple who has the full authority of True Parents on Earth. Rev. Moon could see the real possibility that after he passes his foundation will be desecrated. He was wise beyond any man.
He could see the warning signs. He could see the thought processes forming in Hak Ja Han's mind for years already. He did everything to secure his foundation. First he tried Hyun, but he was too self-centered, in essence, and as the last resort Hyun was demoted by Rev. Moon and he instituted Hyung Jin Nim Moon as his Heir and Successor on the Earth. Rev. Moon wanted to have a way to rescue God's Providence in case it needed to be rescued.
Brothers and Sisters, the time has come now to rescue God's Providence. The Successor couple will lead the way.
This I share from the bottom of my heart with you all.
Your humble servant and writer,
Emmanuel Swedenborg
P.S. I request that you share this message with as many people as possible. Thank you.
*[Reference found: Translation from Korean to English of the June 5th Declaration section referred above.]
"Moreover, the command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction."
Deputy Desk Editor, Jugan Chosun

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