April 22, 2015
is Jesus of Nazareth.
son of Joseph, the carpenter.
22, 2015, 11:50 am Est - end of transcribing: 12:33 pm
was born of a lineage of greats. So many faithful and sacrificial saints an
patriarchs. Nobody has a comparable lineage to mine–nobody can hold a candle–to
borrow a common English expression for my English speaking Brothers and Sisters
and Children of my faith that I initiated through my blood, sweat and tears.
I am
a child of Zachariah, the high priest. I am not born without the sperm of a
man. How could I? How could a woman 2,000 years ago have a child through an
angel or spirit being? I do not want to cause disbelief among the faithful. It
does not make me, Jesus, the Lord, any lesser. It proves that people of God had
faith. It proves that people of God fulfilled their duty and responsibility. It
proves that they were truly God's people. Not failures but truly God's people.
Everyone in the history of the world must still thank the Jewish peoples. They
provided the lineage with God. I don't really know if it is to say Jewish
people or peoples. There were many tribes. It does not matter. God worked and
God provided a lineage.
need to clear up a confusion.
Myung Moon was not born sinless. Hak Ja Han was not born sinless. Nobody
was–except I had a special birth. It is hard to quantify and qualify. My birth
was special. It was relatively more sinless than anyone else ever. But it is
really splitting hairs. What matters is that Sun Myung Moon, the Lord of the
Second Advent, completed a Victory. A victory over the Principalities of
Darkness. A victory over Satan, Lucifer, the Destroyer. He did humble himself
once or twice. But the battle continues. His minions are still at large. They
are prevalent still.
continue their march. They continue their march at the halls of Cheong Pyeong
prayer hall. Do not be shocked, Lucifer is the most clever being God created.
There is no match. There is no comparison in all of cosmos.
is why this situation of faith–the Unification Family of Faith–is such a
are all worshipping not God, but in reality we are worshipping a substitute to
God right now in the Unification Family of Faith. We are worshipping an
adulterer of Scripture. I am speaking of Kim Hyo Nam. She is unparalleled in
history in the art of deception.
borrowing a catchy phrase from the English language–nobody can hold a candle to
her. Masterful. Brilliant. So clever. But so devious! But to what end? To wipe
out all of the Christian foundation. To wipe out all of the Buddhist
foundation. To wipe out the Western cultural sphere. To wipe out true faith on
Earth. To make every person a slave. To make every person a sinner. To make
every person subservient to her whims.
is a tragedy of unparalleled dimension. The foundation that My Savior–yes my
savior–Sun Myung Moon made has been and is continuously being stolen and
desecrated. This is utterly not just plausible, but it is happening as I speak
and write through my humble servant holding the transcribing pen.
wake up–you people of faith.
does not buy salvation.
repentance, faith and resurrection do not depend on your wealth and monetary
means. This is a tragic turn in the Unification Faith.
the falsehood of the Cheong Pyeong ancestor liberation fallacy. I do not
believe you my Brothers and Sisters can doubt me. What did Martin Luther do?
What did he accomplish? Was it of no avail? Was it all in vain? Please stand
up. Please demand restitution and re-conveyance of all ill-gotten assets given
to Kim Hyo Nam and her family's treacherous practices.
I am
Jesus. I drove away the moneychangers from the Temple. With a whip! Yes, I
drove them all away.
is my command, I am in authority from my blood sacrifice on the horrible wooden
cross to make this demand:
away all donation money and send instead to Sanctuary Church, Newfoundland, PA.
the corruption of Cheong Pyeong to the maximum extent. History must be recorded
that such a tragedy can never, ever, never never, never, never happen
did I die on the cross? So that salvation can be bought with coin and money?
There is no higher form of blasphemy. I proclaim it to the mountain tops and
every website and web page–I did not die so that salvation can be purchased by
Parents are eternal. This position was established by the Reverend Sun Myung
Moon, born in North Korea in 1920. He established the True Parents' Position. I
repeat–he did so. He was authorized by the God Almighty to establish the
position of True Parents in Heaven and on Earth. This was not a sole
accomplishment of Sun Myung Moon. Hak Ja Han did her responsibility adequately
to establish the Absolute Position of True Parents to exist for all of
I must clarify–and I am Jesus of Nazareth–and I am not a dummy. I know what I
know because of my humble and sincere devotion to God and to True Parents.
Ja Han has failed her final mission of remaining submissive to the Father
position of True Parents' position. There is an Absolute Position of True
Parents. She has left her proper role at this late hour. This is most tragic
and most unfortunate. A crisis. A postmodern apocalypse.
are we to deal with this my Brothers and Sisters? We need to fast. We need to
pray. We need to see visions and dreams and bring the Holy Spirit–the Spirits
of Most High into our lives.
will all heal. We will all prosper. We will all overcome this calamity.
Ja Han can be restored upon her deep repentance and conditions she must make.
then and until such conditions are fully completed she is no longer Hak Ja Han
in a True Parents' role on Earth.
now on there is a proxy on Earth for True Parents instead–Hyung Jin Moon and
Yeonah Nim Moon.
I proclaim–Jesus of Nazareth–the Lord of Lords, who bled tragically–yet
victoriously in resurrection–through the horrible course of the cross.
believe in Jesus, Brothers and Sisters. I am also your savior–I bled for you.
But without True Father I am nothing. He completed my mission. 100%.
still human responsibility remains. We ust eradicate the forces of evil. We
must use the Holy Spirits of Heaven as our Army.
Spirit is high spirits and high angels. Do you believe? Do you have faith? We
can change the whole world through spirit and truth. Did not Hyung Jin say so?
Did not Sun Myung Moon say so? Did I not say so?
are a force of goodness. All Brothers and Sisters, please work with Hyung Jin
Nim! He is not the Devil. The Devil lives in Cheong Pyeong prayer hall.
(Please share this message).
of Nazareth
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