April 24, 2015
Good morning
Good morning
is General George Washington.
you for having a framed picture of me in your living room. It means a great
deal to me.
I am
coming to you at this hour of urgent desperation and urgent need.
24, 2015, 10:05 am Est - end of transcribing: 10:35 am
need a new Army of righteousness. There has been a coup. The Providence of God
has been hijacked. There has been a quiet usurpation of authority and power,
away from the rightful, official and legal authority. The rightful, official
and legal authority in the nation of United States of America and throughout
God's prepared lands belongs to the heir of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Mr. Hyung Jin
Moon, along with his wife who effectuates as a proxy to True Mother at this
citizens of the United States and people of the world need true leadership.
This leadership and authority has been missing recently particularly after the
Reverend Sun Myung Moon ascended to the spiritual world as a Glorious Victor of
All Cosmic Victories. There has been a lack of leadership. There has been a
void. There has been an hour of darkness that has descended on the country I
love. Now things are dramatically changing and dramatically developing. But
just like during the Revolutionary War, the battle is not easy. There will be
bad feelings. There will be shocking twists and turns. There will even be some
setbacks, but there must be a final victory, and there will be a final victory,
if we remain steadfast, and if we remain true to our beliefs and convictions,
and if we do not waiver.
of the United States!
citizens of the world!
have been ruled by a false authority. True Mother's authority has been recently
usurped by entities other than Heaven's power.
brothers and sisters of faith!
realize this urgent and disastrous circumstance that we are in. There is
corruption at the highest levels. This cannot and must not stand.
did I fight?
did I lead a revolution?
separate from corruption at the highest levels! We need to carry through the
same exact accomplishment and we need to perform the duties of revolutionaries
at this hour. We cannot be lukewarm. We cannot be mild. We cannot be placid. We
cannot be complaisant. We cannot be half-hearted. We cannot be nonchalant. We
cannot be bystanders. We cannot be observers. We cannot be on the side-line’s.
and sisters. My brethren.
I am
General George Washington. I know what you need. You need courage! You need
conviction. You need to pound your chests and join the battle for
righteousness. I am of course speaking in metaphorical terms. You need to have
that conviction in your minds, and I am not saying that an armed insurrection
is called for. But this time is serious and the times are grave.
darkness had fallen over this country I love. So much division and hatred.
Citizens! You must love! You must show charity! You must be pure in heart! And
pure in mind! Do not follow false Gods. Follow truth. Follow the righteous
is a young man now in the United States who is fighting the good fight. He is
in Newfoundland, PA in a small church. Everyone who loves the United States
must listen to this young preacher. He is vocalizing the nature of our threat.
And he is explaining our predicament that affects my county and all countries.
need to heed his words.
need to heed them now. Not later.
I am
George Washington, the General of the Revolutionary Army, and the first
President of the United States. Do I not care about my country still? I cry for
my country. So many things have gone wrong. But there is still hope. A new dawn
is beginning. It begins with faith. Politics will follow
later. Please have faith first.
have to demonstrate that those who have ears to hear need to understand that
when the returning Lord–the Rev. Sun Myung Moon–stated that he has instituted
an heir, he meant what he stated and wrote. There is no equivocation. It is
plain and clear.
his authority was challenged and darkness fell on the land, we have had all
types of instability and calamities in our political and geopolitical world. We
have had beheadings of Christians and civilians. This has to stop by all means.
However, the cause of external conflicts is the lack of internal faith that
drives the balance of the universe.
I am
George Washington, brothers and sisters of Unification faith and Christian
faith. The Lord returned to Earth. He won a victory over darkness. But his
efforts are being usurped and hijacked. You need to stand strong and reject
falsehood and abrogation.
need to follow a man named Hyung Jin Moon.
is my command to you.
George Washington
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