October 17, 2015
The case for Hyung
Jin Moon, the inheritor, the successor, the representative body (Teshinja) of
True Parents, and now The True Parent
[October 17, 2015,
5:48 pm - end of transcribing 8:28 pm]
This is Young Oon
Kim, writing again.
I sincerely wish to
thank the transcriber, or now as I call him the "unworthy typist,"
for taking time from his schedule to write this. It should be stated that I
have again pestered the writer time and again, and at this time the time was
found, and I am much obliged and very grateful for the chance to broadcast my
treatise to those who care about the past, present and the future of God's
Providence on earth.
Who am I to have
qualifications to speak about or write about such a "lofty" matter?
My name is Dr. Kim. I studied theology and taught theology throughout my life.
Please refer to my published works for my credentials.
However, it should be
now made known that my studies did not end since I ascended to the natural
spiritual world where we all exist and where we all permanently and eternally
exist upon shedding our physical abode and body.
So what have those
studies consisted of? I am very delighted to report that there have been a few
audiences that I have been granted with Jesus, the Christ, and additionally
have had the most auspicious opportunity to converse and discuss with True
Father, the Lord at the Second Advent. Yes, it is true that I conversed with
him on so many occasions in the early years of the Holy Spirit Association for
the Unification of World Christianity, but I have been able to ask questions
and receive answers in the reality of the spirit world after True Father
Do you think True
Father does not wish to speak with us, those who were with him in the difficult
yearly years? His heart goes out to all of us, and he remembers well what we
went though in the early years of so my tears and deep spiritual experiences.
So, am I qualified to
put down words on this matter of "God's Providence" as it stands today?
I will leave it for the reader to judge. I will therefore give my sincere best
attempt herein via the typist's hands.
Who is Hyung Jin
Moon? Why did the Messiah at the Second Advent finally settle on this man as
his Successor on the earth? What does it mean to be the Successor? As far
as I know not many scholars or theologians have delved into this as of yet.
However, this is critically important. Did we know for many years that the
Messiah needed to anoint a "Successor" and transmit his blessing and
authority to a "Successor?" Let's be honest about it, we had no clue.
Did we have a lot of
clues about many things that the Rev. Sun Myung Moon ended up having to do in
his life time? Let's be honest about it. We were quite surprised by many things
that we learned he actually did or proclaimed.
So why is it so
especially important to focus on the numerous proclamations and events True
Father held to secure a position of a Successor on the earth to the person he
finally chose? Why am I hammering this point and focusing on this like a flood
light? It is critical because the Messiah at his Second Coming determined that
there must be continuity and there must be proper and orderly continuation of
the authority he had accumulated as the Messiah.
Do we actually believe
that the kingdom of heaven should be built on the earth, or do we actually
believe in a spiritual kingdom primarily? I am so sad to report that the
"Church" i.e. the Family Federation has utterly forgotten our
Biblical foundation that is the basis of the revelation of the Lord at his
Second Coming and instead has primarily focused on building a spiritual kingdom
with the outsized focus on ancestor liberations. Do not understand me
incorrectly, I beseech you. Ancestors of course need liberation. But has the
Divine Principle all of a sudden become a teaching that has to be relegated to
the dustbin of history and everything that the Rev. Sun Myung Moon taught about
resurrection and returning resurrection is now out of the window because
ancestral liberation is possible, to whatever extent it is possible, via
different ceremonies? Has the Divine Principle teaching been legitimately
negated by someone? Where is the treatise? I am dying to read it.
Of course the Divine
Principle is the same today as it was always. Who has the authority to change
the Divine Principle? Even God himself cannot change it. If He would, He would
So outsized focus on
liberation ceremonies led to a wrong focus.
Please do not
misunderstand me. If Hyung Jin Moon wants clean up the mess of the CheongPyeong
providence by offering an opportunity or opportunities for ancestors to be
liberated (and this a very complex topic worthy of another treatise) why do you
think he shouldn't do it? You can have your opinion, but do you see the
situation of the spiritual world? It is not very simple. What I can say is that
Hyung Jin Moon is stepping up even when he really does not even have to offer
this special Grace to anyone.
I am aware that fraud
was committed in Cheong Pyeong. We can see it from the spiritual realm. We can
see the competing revelations of Kim Hyo Nam and Mrs. Young Soon Kim (who wrote
down messages from Dr. Lee) whose writings were included by the Rev. Sun Myung
Moon in the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong – his Peace Messages book.
Why were Kim Hyo
Nam's (Hoon Mo Nim) writings not included in the Eight Text Books? Think about
So, I hope that the
reader can agree with me that our Heavenly Father, still wants to build a
substantial kingdom on the earth.
This leads me again
to the question of a Successor. Why should there be a Successor? Shouldn't the
visitation of the Lord at his Second Advent suffice? We do read in the Divine
Principle that there also needs to be a Bride to be restored. In the excellent
English version from 1996 there is even a chart where the Messiah meets his
Bride at the top of the growth stage.
So is the Bride the
Successor to the mission of the Messiah? Who is Jesus? He was Christ (Greek) and
the Messiah (Jewish). The anointed one.
Was the Bride the
anointed one? Did it prophesize anywhere in the Scripture that God will send a
female Messiah who will restore a bridegroom?
There is a Mission of
the Messiah and the Mission of the True Parents. Is Han Hak Ja the Messiah? I
think it is very clear that she is not. How many chapters should I pester the
writer to write on this question? Han Hak Ja is not the Messiah. I can raise
some points. Did she discover the Divine Principle? Did she discover what the
Fall of Man was through arduous travels in the spiritual world as did the Rev.
Sun Myung Moon? Does she have any qualifications? We can analyze, and the
answer is "no" since she does not have the accomplishments to qualify
to bear the cross of the Messiah and what it means to be the Messiah. Did she
nearly die six or seven times or actually die but God did not allow physical
death to be prolonged?
Han Hak Ja was raised
in a supportive environment and by faithful members as a young child and
teenager. Ultimately True Father himself raised and educated Han Hak Ja. For
her to stand as the Empress of the Providence and the Queen of the Providence
is not her role. Her role is the mother and the bride primarily. She gave birth
to so many children. She provided a flowerbed for flowers to grow – her
children. But she cannot be the Messiah based on that activity. It makes my
head hurt so bad when I see the reversed roles of man and woman in the four
position foundation being taught in Korea and in Japan. By showing such a chart
she does not go to the Adamic Messianic position. It is like trying to put a
square peg through a round hole.
Unfortunately she is
not even in the True Mother's role anymore, as I mentioned in my first writing
two weeks ago. (Hopefully I can write more about this issue later.) Even if she
still was in the True Mother's role, the need for the Successor would be just
the same. But since she has vacated her role to be filled by another woman that
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon so auspiciously selected to be available for that role,
Han Hak Ja has shown the important rationale for the position of Successor. If
she was the only person left to lead the Providence forward what would happen,
if she becomes compromised? God's Providence will fail nearly forever. The
history of humanity will be even more hellish and prolonged for an unfathomable
length to hellish conditions.
Why did not the Rev.
Sun Myung Moon put forth long treatises and speeches about the need and
expectations of his Successor? Why did he not explain all of it to the members
in greater lengths and speeches focusing on this topic and subject? I have
actually been thinking about that quite a bit. It has puzzled me somewhat. It
is such an important topic.
Here is what I have
concluded. He did hope that his elder son Hyun could have become the Successor.
It is natural that he hoped for that. We can understand that from multiple
viewpoints. However, what we know is that Heavenly Father, God, and the
Universal Price Force changed their selection upon verification of the level of
fulfillment of human responsibility by Hyun Jin Moon. It was not adequate.
There were certain critical failures from a providential viewpoint that made
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon to have no choice but to follow God's admonition to
make Hyung Jin Moon the final permanent Successor.
Since 2008 he focused
much on giving personal education and guidance to Hyung Jin Moon. He wanted to
pass on as much as he did through a father-son relationship and communication.
So, do you think it was better that he spent time focusing on him or focusing
on explaining and convincing Korean leaders and the general membership instead?
He wanted to imbue his heart and mind to Hyung Jin as much as he could in the
last years of his life.
When Cain and Abel
unity was completed between the Successor son in the Abel position and elder
son (Kook Jin) in the Cain position the foundation was indestructible. And soon
thereafter, he ascended to the spiritual world. He didn't even bother waiting
for Foundation Day.
This is the
Providential victory that was ultimately needed for the Successor to be able to
have the maximum foundation of success. This is rarely achieved in the
Providence of Restoration and this is one reason why the Providence of
Restoration can advance more quickly now than before.
So, why did the Rev.
Moon ultimately want to have a Successor who takes care of the Providence
instead of having a woman in the True Mother position literally lead the
Providence? Think about it. What would you do, if you would have to secure a
foothold among conniving treacherous leaders (Korean leaders) whom you have had
to trust through countless false reports and even betrayals of trust, because
you had no choice but to trust? You would put your trusted sons in charge,
wouldn't you? Would you just leave your aging wife in charge? Please think
rationally. Is God not rational? Is God not logical? Was True Father, the
Messiah, not going to do everything possible to protect his tradition, words
and his lineage?
Why would he only
leave it to the hands of his wife? If he did, it means he didn't trust his
So we know from the
historical record that he passed the Blessing of True Parents to Hyung Jin Nim
and to Yeonah Moon three times in January 2009 in three separate identical
ceremonies. Did we not see that here in the spiritual world? Do you think we
were watching TV instead?
The fact he
transmitted to that couple his Blessing and blessed that couple with his
Blessing says it all. He wanted a couple. He much preferred a couple
rather than a fourth Adam in the end. He found a couple. Do you think he was
going to pass the opportunity by? What is the IQ of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon?
How many PhDs would he have obtained, if he had decided to pursue academic
excellence instead of excellence in bringing God's Providence to its ultimate victory
and conclusion?
So why is the
Successor couple so important? Do you want see a priest only? Do you
want to see a Monsignor? No wife? Is God not the source of masculinity and
femininity? Why was it important he left someone in charge to be his physical
representative and body (in Korean Teshinja)? Why did he not only leave a
book or only the eight text books curriculum?
I think the answer is
quite evident now, if you go to the Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, PA
to Sunday service or if you watch Hyung Jin Nim's sermons online on your
screen, and consider the words and deeds also of Yeonah Moon. Can a book shake
up the spiritual world and open up the spiritual world as Hyung Jin Moon has
been able to do? Are members not having dreams, visions and revelations? Is Han
Hak Ja speaking with such authority that it is creating a condition for members
to see, hear and have personal visits by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, saints and
Jesus and guiding them to newfound faith and spiritual richness? (I recommend that
for even greater understanding of this topic of spiritual richness and
spiritual growth, please read the available speech collection by the Rev. Moon:
"Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 1) Section 1. The Spirit World You
Can Experience During Your Physical Life.")
Having a Successor
Couple can make all the difference.
The Rev. Sun Myung
Moon did not only want to leave the Providence in the hands of Han Hak Ja. Why
on earth would he take such a risk? He knew she had the not reached Direct
Dominion of God and he knew she was somewhere above the line of growth stage
but not fully understanding God and the spiritual world, and possessing a
limited understanding of the Divine Principle and even less of the Bible. Why
would he take the risk? Out of love for her only? Was his primary allegiance to
God first or not?
Han Hak Ja's lineage
was not the chosen lineage. It was a fallen lineage belonging to Satan's side.
The lineage of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon produced the Messianic lineage, through
hundreds of years of twists and turns.
Was the Moon lineage
the Messianic lineage or was the Han lineage the Messianic lineage? What do you
think is the viewpoint of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon on this subject matter? I
actually asked him. Guess what he said. He said, "Get behind me
Satan," in Korean. I shouldn't have asked, but I am scholar and I ask.
That's what scholars do. We ask even stupid questions. We ask all questions.
(The Rev. Sun Myung Moon loves me just the same. He wanted me to receive the
right emphasis and the right tone to be received in the answer.)
So, the fact remains
that the Rev. Sun Myung Moon instituted a Successor Couple. He instituted an
Heir. He even wrote that anyone else is a heretic and a destroyer. The Chinese
character means "one who destroys." So why did he write it so strong
on June 5, 2010? For the same reason why he told me to "get behind"
with my intellectual questioning of what is the correct lineage of God. And for
the reason that there is no destruction of the future that is to unfold, and that
no destruction can take place of the Providence of God, because he made it
exceedingly clear who has his authority and the authority of True Parents.
What does it mean
that Hyung Jin Moon has the authority of the Unification command center (as it
states in the June 5, 2010 declaration) and was inherited and transmitted the
Blessing of the True Parents in January 2009 in three identical events on two
continents, while wearing the actual crown True Father himself wore in previous
(I need to mention it
again – this is Young Oon Kim putting forth these words. It is not the humble
writer who can use a keyboard).
I hereby, Young Oon
Kim, as a theologian who wrote the definitive text on Unification Theology
(1980) hereby state unequivocally that Hyung Jin Moon and his wife Yeonah Moon
- have assumed for all practical purposes, and for all providential purposes,
and it must be proclaimed to all concerned – the position of True Parents of
Heaven and Earth. You can say that they are True Parents and that is not wrong.
Had the dereliction
of duty by Han mother not taken place, how then would it be possible and
necessary for them to come to the possibility to become the actual True
Parents, is an interesting theological issue. But it is a non-issue now. A fact
is a fact.
Han mother cannot go
the position of True Mother again. She betrayed the trust of Heavenly Father,
and she betrayed the trust of Sun Myung Moon. The Rev. Sun Myung instituted
Yeonah Lee Moon to the True Mother's mission, because the mission was vacated
due to Han mother's numerous tragic betrayals of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's
directions, wishes and will. The egregious betrayals include decimating and
changing the Holy Scripture Cheon Seong Gyeong and Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong and
not respecting the Successor Sun Myung Moon anointed and blessed, and who
accepted the mission while the Rev. Sun Myung Moon was alive, and who received
direct education by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Han mother can be
forgiven by God upon her repentance and she will always have a place in history
befitting her past victories, but all history must learn also from her tragic
betrayal. (It is my recommendation that less pictures of Han mother should be
displayed publicly from this time on.)
Again, this is Young
Oon Kim, a theologian who was able to accept the teaching of the Divine
Principle because of guidance from God. The God of heaven and earth has guided
many significant revelations to come to mankind. Rev. Moon's was the most
important. (Others played a role in my path such as the pioneering work by
Emmanuel Swedenborg). But what matters most is that right now in October 2015
we have with us the Successor Couple who is walking in the position of True
Parents, due to the demands of God's Providence. How I found the Divine Principle
was my path. But every man, woman and child must find the Divine Principle.
We must protect and
vigilantly shield the Truth from desecration and destruction. We must not
become heretics and destroyers. Was that not the Will of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon?
We stand at a
threshold of a new era. Truly a new era. Like never before. Not a cliché
but actually a new era.
I know some of you
are tired. I know some of you are old. And some are young and flabbergasted by
what is going on. But God is intrinsically embedded in your conscience. Ask
your conscience. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it will be given to you.
The truth will set
you free.
Amen and Aju.
Your most humble and
unworthy scholar,
Young Oon Kim
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