December 7, 2015
The day after Hyung Jin Moon has conducted the ancestors liberation ceremony for 210 generations at the sanctuary church
The day after Hyung Jin Moon has conducted the ancestors liberation ceremony for 210 generations at the sanctuary church
7, 2015 11:51 am - end of transcribing 2:42 pm]
note: I had the following exchange in writing prior to taking down this
from the writer:
do I have the write at this time? Why is this so important? I am not worthy to
write down anything, and I am worried that if I get something wrong, it can
have very serious consequences. So, I am worried about this. To write things
down is a very fearsome responsibility because of that potentiality. Especially
when it is True Father asking to write things down. It is such a heavy and
solemn responsibility. Every single syllable will be and must be scrutinized to
the utmost degree. So, I am somewhat hesitant."
are the right person to write things down at this time, because you don't let
your ego and personality to get in the way. It is of the tantamount and
paramount importance that you don't let your own feelings, aspirations or
thinking to get in the way of the writing. Because you have not let that happen
to this day, and upon this initial conversation right now, it is again clear
that you do not allow that to be a part of this writing process. For that
reason you are the right person, at the right time, to write down this message
and possibly other messages as well. Let us begin."
note: I have chosen one sentence from this message to be the title.]
A call
for repentance
is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the
returning Lord of the Second Advent who completed the mission of Christ (the
Mission of the Messiah) and brought God's Providence to its ultimate conclusion.
I am
the Lord in the spiritual world and I am the Lord in the physical cosmos
equally. I am the alpha and the omega in the world of the Principle. I am the
alpha and the omega in the world of Truth.
universe is built upon Truth. It is built upon principles that govern the
universe. Those principles originate form God, Hananim, Jahveh, Jehovah, Our
Father Who Art In Heaven. Those principles cannot be compromised because they
are immutable and because they originate from the Source of the universe that
is God, the Almighty creator of the universe.
I am
directly related to God, the creator of the universe. I am really more than a
man. I could not truly reveal this during my lifetime, only at the end of my
life when I taught about the God of Night. Therefore it is correct to say that
Jesus is God, and I am also one with God. There is an element of God that was
fused to Jesus and myself equally so that we can partake in the mission of the
was meant to complete the Mission of the Messiah. Due to the tragic
faithlessness of the Jewish people at that time he had to go through the tragic
way of the cross. But he worked tirelessly in the spiritual realm, ultimately
bringing the Protestant Reformation and the Bible that could be read by anyone
and the foundation of the last four hundred years laid the foundation to
receive the Lord of the Second Advent. All of this is clearly explained in the
Divine Principle, which is the Completed Testament that explains the Old
Testament and the New Testament from God's point of view.
know some people–in fact the majority of the people of the world on earth–still
don't know who I am and what my life was all about. That is also a tragedy, but
a lesser tragedy than the death of Jesus on the cross. Nevertheless, it is
frustrating to me as I am now in the spiritual realm to see that the people of
the world are going about their daily lives and they don't–most of them–ever
really think about me or my words. This is very painful to me and causes me
great heartache.
spent my every waking hour focused on the Will of God, like a laser beam. I did
not spare one moment of my waking hours on frivolous pursuits that did not have
a connection to my mission. My mission was complex. I had to restore all of
history. In my mission I even touched the most mundane and base aspects of
existence. That included even activities like fishing or playing pool or the
roulette. Do not laugh. I am being very serious. I had to do that. I had to
know everything about everything. You may think that was frivolous or unnecessary
from a public relations point of view–yes, that is probably correct–but I did
not live my life for the sake of public relations image. I lived for God's Will
and it required me to do things that puzzled many people to this day.
why this message at this time?
is so important that I would need to come down to write again, besides the four
messages I gave earlier this year?
need to give this message today, because yesterday December 6, 2015, was a
Providential turning point in the history of mankind.
do I know that? Because I was in the spiritual world doing tasks and my son
Moon Hyung Jin was in the physical world doing tasks. This was historic father
son co-operation on the cosmic level that had never ever been done in the
history of God's Providence or all of human history.
to think about what I said. Stop to ponder about it.
is that something that I would come down about and write about? Didn't I leave
enough teaching materials in the context of the collection of the Great Eight
Textbooks, so I wouldn't need to give additional words? I did say that I just
might come down and reveal a second part of Cheon Seong Gyeong or a
second Cheon Seong Gyeong from the spiritual world, didn't I? I am
not formally doing that here, but I must use the opportunity to pass this
message to all who care about my work, my legacy, the Will of God, or Jesus
Christ, the future of Christianity and the future of the Western world.
appears to be a religious conflict or war enlarging between the Western world
representing Christianity and the Muslim world representing a Cain type
ideology that wants to enslave women and men forcibly to an ideology that is
not tolerant of the Bible or Christian beliefs. This is the unfortunate reality
we are facing at this time. I can see it from the spiritual realm in crystal
clear clarity.
my son and Successor Moon Hyung Jin conducted a ceremony for liberation of
spirits of ancestors of people on the earth, as well as allowing them to come
into a Holy Blessing marriage. This is not an insignificant event. Whatever was
deficient in my mission to allow the liberation of ancestors to take place
properly was repaired and fixed yesterday.
desire to liberate the spirit world and inhabitants of the spirit world is
absolutely unchanging. During my lifetime, I was in favor of this activity, but
the women Kim Hyo Nam and my ex-wife Han Hak Ja–yes, that is correct she is no
longer my wife in the eyes of God due to her numerous betrayals (I hope to have
an opportunity to write on this more)–made it difficult for many people to
participate in that providence due to them asking set amounts of money and
turning it into what is ostensibly a business. Yes, I trusted them and the
leaders with all the details of their workshops and so on, and I was not
cognizant enough of their dealings with the members' money. I am so sorry.
my son conducted a ceremony without asking a set amount of donation, which is
the correct approach. Money cannot buy salvation. However, God blesses the
cheerful giver, as is often said. The bottom line is that the Cheong Pyeong
providence's failures were all restored yesterday. My son didn't even know it.
Yesterday's ceremony was not just the liberation of 210 generations of
ancestors, but it was equally the liberation of resentment of Unification
Church members who could not participate enough in the "straight jacket"
that was the Cheong Pyeong providence and now their resentment can be released
and was released for those 1,000 couples who participated. The ancestors in the
spiritual realm are free and the members in the physical realm are free. Aju!
were certain deficiencies in Cheong Pyeong liberations. Although the
liberations can be considered "valid" that were performed in my
lifetime, because of the aspect of asking too much money for them, and then not
all the money donated was spent or used in a principled manner by Kim Hyo Nam
and Han Hak Ja, this did lead to some deficiencies in the liberations. They
even spent some of the money to produce the redacted version of my life's
work, Cheon Seong Gyeong, by replacing it with their own version with a
red colored cover for the short redacted book and calling the replacement the
same. Therefore, there were some spiritual deficiencies with some of the
liberations connected to, and indirectly or even directly caused by the
failures and rebellious acts of the Han mother during my life on earth. As you
may know she was already preparing texts of the fake Cheon Seong Gyeong during
my life on earth together with her co-conspirators. Therefore, I urge all
people of faith to come under my authority by receiving the Holy Wine and the
Holy Blessing by my son, Moon Hyung Jin, who is carrying on my work. My son is
in my direct blood lineage. He has received my full authority to carry on my
the members, I say again–I am sorry that the Cheong Pyeong providence was not
conducted to better standards. To my son, Moon Hyung Jin, I say, thank you my
I must take this opportunity to unequivocally state and explain about the woman
Han Hak Ja and her situation in the providence of God and her position in human
history of the past and of today.
of all, I am so sorry that I could not choose better than the woman Han Hak Ja.
I tried my best. There were of course many candidates and actually hundreds of
women God had prepared for the role of Eve in Korea. I had chosen one first,
the woman who bore my eldest son. She was the first True Mother. Unfortunately,
she lost faith. Then there was the second True Mother, after the first one
failed, a woman who had a very tragic life when Satan attacked severely. Then
finally there was Han Hak Ja, who was victorious in the beginning and the
middle of her life, but tragically became faithless and traitorous in the last
part of her life. I should have chosen better. The truth is, I chose her and
she was absolutely obedient for most of her life, but rebelled against me
during the last years of my life. This is a most painful historical tragedy and
catastrophic reality that now must be indemnified by much suffering to come.
faithful people of Christian faith and Unification faith. This is Sun Myung
Moon writing. Have should I prove it? Should I tell you tales of my youth?
Catching eels? What would convince you? As it is said by many before, you must pray.
You must fast if you have to, if your prayer does not produce a clear
answer. Then during your fast you must pray. Make a condition to ask. I promise
that the answer will be given to you in a way that you will understand and that
you can believe. But you must make a condition to try to understand! You should
also read all the messages that I directed to be transcribed by this
transcriber to this day. Yes, it is Sun Myung Moon, able to communicate at this
moment from the spiritual realm through thought transference and the simple
fact that the transcriber is able to write the thoughts well in English
language. It is up to you to believe that this is happening at this time.
I am
writing herein about the coming judgment of Han Hak Ja.
of all, it needs to be known by all that Han Hak Ja has egregiously betrayed
me, the Lord of the Second Advent, Sun Myung Moon. This betrayal cannot be
undone. It has taken place. It can only be judged as such and it will be judged
as such. It will be judged by the almighty God himself, no one else. It is
automatic. It is irreversible. It cannot be stopped. In the spiritual world it
is absolutely crystal clear. If you betray your husband, the Lord of the Second
Advent, and if you then even ostracize his direct Heir and Successor, Moon
Hyung Jin, there is a price to pay, unfortunately.
follows spiritual law, not physical law. God sees what she has done. God wants
her to be forgiven of her sins, of course, in the ultimate sense, and restored
to a position of a grandmother of grandchildren. But God cannot stop what she
has brought upon herself. Similarly, God wants to forgive Judas Iscariot and
have him live a happy personal life. But it does not erase the action that the
perpetrator took. It will remain as a mark in the person for eternity, in the
person's spirit body, psyche and mind. When people see Judas Iscariot in the
spiritual world, they see and sense that his person committed a certain sinful
act. Same applies to the person of Han Hak Ja. What is done is done, and she
will be judged for her actions.
Hak Ja did not achieve the spiritual growth past above the growth stage, to
this date. I have never stated that Han Hak Ja achieved individual perfection,
nor have I stated that Han Hak Ja has achieved the direct dominion of God. For
this reason it is possible for even Han Hak Ja, after I praised her to have
achieved the position of True Mother, to still commit sin. Yes, I possibly
praised her too much. But I never said she herself is perfect. In fact I kept
saying the opposite of that Han Hak Ja is perfect. I kept saying instead that
she still has to unite with me more and she still needs to achieve perfection.
I even had to cancel the planned perfection level blessing of True Parents
because she had not achieved enough unity with me and had started to rebel
against me. Those who attended my Hoon Dok Hae sessions and speeches know that
I was highly critical of her over and over in the last years of my life on
earth. I could not even utter her name in my last prayer on earth. I, only, was
victorious in the end, during the last years of my life on earth, while she was
already rebellious against me in the end.
of her rebellion against me, Han Hak Ja has nothing to do anymore with the
position, role and the responsibilities of the True Mother on earth or in the
spiritual world. She has made herself 100% unsuitable to ever hold that title,
position or honor. She is unfortunately currently destined to a very dismal and
grave future in the spiritual world. Would I know something about the spiritual
world, dear faithful members and Brothers and Sisters who believe in God and
Christ? Yes, I do know. I knew while I was living on the earth, and I do know
multitudes more now, as I exist in the spiritual world as the primary realm. By
repentance Han Hak Ja can improve her personal position. But what is very sad
and unfortunate is that her actions have a caused a tremendous instability in
the cosmos because she had the role of the True Mother of heaven and earth.
ceremony of liberation held by my Successor to me as the King of Kings, has
helped to restore some of the balance. But there is still going to be much
instability. I must report and I ask all persons to prepare and be ready for a
number of years of instability.
is Sun Myung Moon. I have completed the Mission of the Messiah. I state again,
Han Hak Ja failed in her final mission. All faithful people must severe their
ties to Han Hak Ja and to any organizations that she leads, manages or
associates with. There is only instability and danger associated with her or
from any association with her beginning from the "Foundation Day" of
February 22, 2013. That "Foundation Day" was a fraudulent
"Foundation Day." Just like yesterday's ceremony restored the
failures of the Cheong Pyeong providence, some day, ideally a proper Foundation
Day ceremony should be held to restore the failure of that day that was stolen
by Han Hak Ja, along with her co-conspirators Peter Kim, Kim Hyo Nam, and the
endless list of traitors. It is my position as the Messiah to give love to all.
I love even my traitorous Korean "leaders." But I warn all
associated–if you are associating with Han Hak Ja, that you hereby are given a
stern warning to stop all association with her, to repent for your wrongdoing,
and come back to my authority in humility and repentance. I call for repentance
for all those following Han Hak Ja.
message today is, especially, a call for repentance.
who have come to contact with this unequivocal explanation by the Rev. Sun
Myung Moon, are being asked for repentance for your own part in
promulgating or associating with any Han mother heresy or heresies. I ask you
to repent and come back to my authority in humility, by following and attending
the Successor whom I crowned and blessed three times to have and to hold all my
you do so, you will save yourself from much harm and save those who are your
descendants and ancestors from much harm. The choice is yours.
pass on this message as widely as you can. Aju and Amen.
Sun Myung Moon, in the name of Hanamin, God, I report that this message is to
be passed on to all.
Thank you Father for letting me understand that you are here with us thank you thank you