April 22, 2015
This is Mrs. Hong.
Hak Ja Han's sincere
and faithful mother in the flesh. I come before Hyung Jin Nim's couple in most
from-the-heart repentance, apology and begging for forgiveness.
April 22, 2015 4:40
pm Est
I am to blame for so
much suffering and delay in God's Providence.
I am a sinner now.
I am worse than the
This is my statement.
This is my humble
acknowledgment of my failure to control Kim Hyo Nam who claims to represent me.
This is inaccurate
and not true. She does not inhabit in my spirit or my mind in any degree any
more. At a point, yes, she connected with me for healing of Brothers and
Sisters' sicknesses.
Some were healed.
No more than any
other church.
All churches do
I am not a miracle
I am mother's mother.
That's who I am.
I raised her with
mother's love.
I am not really a
doctor or a healer.
I am a woman who knew
my child should belong to God's Providence. I raised her so.
But I am not a healer.
Sorry, Brothers and
You have been duped.
Sorry, but this is a
simple fact.
I am coming to speak,
because there is enough condition on Earth to break the spell of Kim Hyo Nam.
She is like Rasputin. She has acted in a Lucifer type position to my daughter,
Hak Ja Han.
I swear this on the Bible, on the Divine Principle and on the textbooks, Father
left behind.
I am a sinner. I
could not stop Kim Hyo Nam.
Members–how do you
know it is me speaking through the transcriber's pen? Sorry, you have to trust.
You have to pray.
Look at Hyung Jin
Nim. Is he a liar? Is he a cheater? The transcriber who holds the pen cannot
prove to you that this is Mrs. Hong. However, you can. If you ask God. If you
pray. If you fast. If you set conditions and ask–it will be revealed clearly.
Ask this question:
Should I trust Hyung Jin Nim or should I trust Kim Hyo Nam who is telling True
Mother what to think.
Sorry, Brothers and
Sisters. The reality is a very grave situation.
I am Dae Mo Nim. I am
Mrs. Hong.
My husband
disappeared in strange mysterious way from our lives. I wanted to protect our
daughter for Heaven at all cost.
I am doing exactly
the same deed by confessing now that my daughter has gone astray.
I am confessing my remorse that she is not keeping True Father in the Subject
position to her.
This is a sin.
This is a
This I repent about
and repent for.
I am Dae Mo Nim.
Members–do not
worship me.
You must worship only
True Father said the
Command Center has an heir. Its heir is Hyung Jin Nim. Who? Kim Hyo Nam? Did
you read that in the June 5th Declaration?
Brothers and Sisters!
Let us unite with Hyung Jin Nim.
For many years I have
been crying.
Huge tears a size of
a crocodile. Like a river of tears.
Now–a new beginning.
The dam has been
broken and new water will flow now.
The past is no more.
This is Dae Mo Nim,
Brothers and Sisters.
I have not been able
to speak to you for many years. I have been so lonely. Please help me. I need
your prayer support. I am a sinner now. I have caused a great detour for God's
Providence. I am totally responsible.
Hyung Jin Nim, True Father, Jesus and True Mother–when you regain your position
someday–please forgive me all.
I failed after I
ascended. My name was used in vain. All Cheong Pyeong books need to be burned.
It is best. It is all false. I repent. I caused a huge problem. I am the least
of the least. I put my head down in shame. I was not able to control Kim Hyo
Ham. She used my name illegally. Even True Father became convinced.
How? I do not know.
But it happened. Was that the first time True Father accepted a Korean leader's
advice as a true and valid project? Father trusts the members. He does not have
a way to verify every project, every claim, every report and every story. He trusts
his children. Like a father does.
We went wrong in
Cheong Pyeong, Brothers and Sisters. We wasted much money and time. I am so
Let us return to the
Divine Principle and live according to the Principle of Creation. We do not
need any more donation money for Cheong Pyeong Providence.
It is finished.
It is a failure of
massive proportions.
I am sorry. I had
resigned a long time ago, but I cannot get anybody to listen to me, no one has
an open mind and an open ear.
What a tragedy I
Hyung Jin–please lead
us out of this mess. You must find good members, like you are doing and clean
up this mess.
Sorry to bring you
this news. I am so sorry. I do not know what to say.
It is so bad. So
But I thank you for
opening the Heavens yesterday on April 21, 2015 and returning the True Father's
Blessing on the Earth.
This is why I can
come to speak freely now and the spell is broken.
You have broken the
All members are free
I love my True Family
members. I gave my life to the True Family members.
Now I see light at
the end of the tunnel after a long dark spell.
Aju. Aju. Aju.
Thank you, Hyung Jin
Your humble servant,
Mrs. Hong
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