Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Won Pil Kim

April 23, 2015

This is won Pil Kim. Brothers and sisters!

How I miss being with you my brothers and sisters! 
End of transcribing: 4:50 pm, April 23, 2015
You are so beautiful. You are so precious. You are the treasures of Heaven. On your shoulders rests the history of the world and the history of the future that is to unfold.
I was a humble artist. I colored painted photos to make money to buy rice for the returning Messiah. I washed the clothes in a mud hut. But I was the luckiest happiest person in the world. I met the Messiah and my Savior. I was the absolute lottery and jackpot winner.
I was not a great and glorious leader like some other early Korean followers can be seen as. But I never left from Father's side. I never  had a doubting word or a doubting thought.
When there were difficulties, when there were authorities interrogating us, when there were prison terms, I always knew that God would find a way to sustain us. We were the fruit of history. We were the fruit of the labors of saints of Christian history. We were in Pyong Yang, Jerusalem of the East.
Brothers and Sisters.
The time is the same now.
Brothers and Sisters!
You need to be led to the Hyung Jin Nim. The youngest son of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon!
Please pray. Please fast. Please seek the guidance of your ancestors and your angelic protective holy spirits that brought you to the Church.
The time is the same.
There is a great pouring of spirit coming soon. The floodgates of Heaven are ready to open.
The Pentecost. It can, it will, and it shall happen. But, and I reiterate, but can there be faith on Earth? Brothers and Sisters, please have faith.
You are so precious.
You are magnificent.
Who anointed Hyung Jin Nim? True Father.
Who wrote calligraphy on June 5th and wrote that the representative and heir of the absolute command center is Hyung Jin? True Father.
Who made Hyung Jin conduct Blessing Ceremonies on Earth? True Father.
Who kept him by his side during the last years of his life 24/7? True Father.
Who minced no words telling members they should not follow Hyun Jin anymore, but follow him and trust Hyung Jin? True Father.
Who crowned him three times? True Father.
Do I need to say more?
Brothers and Sisters!
The time has come for art. For creativity. To be filled with spirit and truth.
A new Renaissance. A new Reformation. A new Beginning.
For all faithful people. All who are in Christ–Christians, Unification people, Buddhists and everyone else. Let us rejoice.
We have with us Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim.
Do not worry about Hak Ja Han, who has been in the True Mother position until recently. There is a way for her to repent, to restore and to have a position for all of history.
But she must do that first and humble herself to Hyung Jin Moon.
Brothers and Sisters! Please travel by car, by plane, by motorbike, by foot even, if necessary, to Newfoundland, Pennsylvania.
Sit at the pew of Hyung Jin Nim's church to listen to his sermon.
Sit at the chapel where True Father attends Sunday Service.
Why should you not?
You live again in a historical time.
The Blessing of True Father has returned to Earth.
Darkness is fading away.
Aju. Aju. Aju.
Won Pil Kim
My postscript: I love you Brothers and Sisters!


  1. This is the first time I hear this message I am really amazed about how many things have remained hidden like the concept of Absolute Command Center that Rev. Won Pil Kim brought to light.

  2. Yes Jesus, it is really amazing how clear it is the message! without ni o no. Thanks for your comment :)
